
    Monday, August 5, 2013  12:03 P.M. in California
    ALL of the "RECENT UNANSWERED QUESTIONS" are 1 year old.
    Could someone tell me how many questions we are asked per day, on average?
    For all the "recent" questions to be so old, I am a little worried. 

    +9  Views: 3512 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: akaqa

    7 Answers

    In my opinion, all questions that have gone unanswered for a week ought to be deleted. Most of these unanswered questions are asked by those that have accidentally stumbled onto this site and are seeking an immediate reply. Asking whether the delivery charges are included in the quoted price is a pretty good indicator that the person is barking up the wrong tree and won't be checking in again in 12 months for an answer.


    Totally agree, there are hundreds of them out there.

    Moderators ?


    Yes dump the older ones, maybe others look and see older questions and figure Why bother, they aren't going to answer mine either!

    Moderators ? Here. I try and get rid of the old and meaningless questions as much as I can.
    country bumpkin

    I agree with you Digger and Bustieone. I come across year old and now two year old questions everyday that are now pointless. Why so many of these questions are still here beats me.

    Thanks has to be an endless task. Know it is not "thankless", too.

    We still only delete what can not be answered and when time allows as we have to delete questions one at a time. There is no way to delete multiple questions at a time. The admin want only unanswerable questions removed.

    I just answered a perfectly legitimate, answerable question and it was 404'd. Pretty quick on that one, as it wasn't an hour old.

    Wasn't me. I've just been on Facebook and am watching a CSI marathon. Not really putting a lot of attention here tonight. Just sort of checking in every now and then.

    Well, let's get everyone on the same page on this deleting business. The duplicates bother me way more than the cryptics.

    I agree :)


    Bob, I'm answering 2 year old questions from page 1,735.

    Take a look>>

    I miss the old akaQA when there were so many new questions coming in for all to answer.  Recipe questions are my favorite to look up and to answer, but I don't see them anymore.


    I didn't know there was a catalog of questions, CB. Thanks for cluing me in.
    I miss the old akaQA, too, where we could have a little more leeway with our tongue-in-cheek and the questions were more controversial.
    Hang in there; I'll start asking recipe queries. :D
    country bumpkin

    LOL....I'll get my recipe book handy.

    The site isn't getting as much traffic that it used to do, don't know the reason, you can go back a thousand pages of unanswered questions they're sitting there ready for our input.


    Since I have "nothing" to do but housework and yardwork, I will probably start doing just that. At a page or two per day (how many Q's are on a page), it will only take me 3-4 years. Plenty of time.

    Aye right, just like I don't....LOL!

    Did you start on Page 1? This is really not a good thing to know...this could become one of those scenarios where I don't leave the house and sit in my robe or, worse, underwear, answering 2 year old questions. Help us; help us all.

    I like answering old questions, I try to answer those that have current issues at hand. Sometimes i can't help but answer easy questions.  We should all go back and answer older questions and get the good ones off of the list.  The moderators can go back and delete the odd ones out......


    Hope you had a good Monday. I spent time with my mom and my three goofy sons, so my day was just about perfect. :D

    All good points gang! Year old questions are showing up more and more, since the new, incoming questions along with forum activity, began to slow down in February. However, I have no plans to sit here and delete hundreds of questions everyday. This is a volunteer job for me and I am here as time allows. My real life comes first so until I either become housebound for some reason, or a computer addict, I'll just carry on as usual. Maybe if you ask admin, they can delete old questions from their end.


    Asked and answered, they don't delete anything,that was a while ago now though, things have changed.
    You do an excellent job BTW!

    TY. I guess they stay then and we can answer or ignore, as it suits each of us.

    I do.

    :D I think admin is very busy admin-ing. I am still waiting to see what the great things being added to the forum are...

    Uh huh...

    Oh ye, I'd forgot about all the new features,now I'm really excited,C'mon admin, C'mon admin!!!

    It actually started slowing down last Sept. Go back in Skype history. We were discussing it then. The traffic coming to akaQA has not slowed, we still get over 700,000 visits per month. They just aren't posting questions. Perhaps they are finding the answers they need form questions asked and answered already.

    Well Colleen, I'm not basing my opinion on scientific research...just my observation. I saw a huge decrease in, I guess a better word would be "activity" (or in other words, postings) and it started in February, when a lot of the regulars simply left, causing less activity (postings). If you didn't notice that, then you are in the minority but I'm quite sure that you will disagree with me.

    Not being among the privileged, I have no SKYPE reference point on WHEN, but the atmosphere has deteriorated for several months. Kudos to those of us who plow on, daunted but not defeated.

    OK, well back to CSI. Have a good night ladies :)

    Game, Set, and Match. Hole in One. Ace. No Hitter. Shutout.

    Sorry Ducky, I did not mean to make a headache for you...

    Not at all headache. As stated, all good points and I do appreciate reading input from the members, whenever it is constructive.

    Ducky, now I know that I made correct decision when asked to be a moderator!

    I think the rest of this "discussion" can stay on Skype now.

    I used to complain about the one year old questions popping up but after talking to Colleen, she had a point, maybe the original poster has been gone for a year, the question is still with us and perhaps other people would benefit from its replies.  so, I answer year old questions. It keeps the brain sharp.  Granted though, many of these old questions are too far out there for mere humans to answer and some are childish (what is love--etc)  but many of them could be answered.

    We are not all here all the time at the same time, therefore many questions that maybe only ~you~ and nobody else could answer-- You weren't here, it rolls off the page unanswered.

    Just smile and answer what you can, when you can - keep the place going!


    We are among the faithful here. I do miss some of the "fun" questions by not being here 24/7, but now that I know there are thousands of pages of questions, well, the fun is just beginning.

    Let's take it to a vote, how many for dumping old questions (hand held up for count...)


    All irrelevant questions certainly get a hand raised from me.

    1 2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.....sheesh, how many will make a simple majority???
    country bumpkin

    Count me in on this one.

    Yes. My hand is up. I 2nd the motion.

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