    dieat plan

    0  Views: 1211 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    No fad or weird diets! Eat lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, no processed foods, no junk food and remember to exercise daily and drink lots of water. Do not go on a "diet". Change your way of cooking and eating. Do research about healthy foods and find new recipes to try. Diets do not work! They only create cravings and you will soon return to your old eating habits.


    Ducky, you are suggesting my “Wedding Diet” Yes, it worked. It wasn’t awful.

    And so you stopped because...

    I got down to a weight I was pleased with. A few years went by and the weight returned but I had lost my will to give up cake.
    I agree with you about that word “diet” We need to find a way of eating that nourishes us and keeps us from putting on weight.
    Maybe after reading all these comments I’ll go back on it -- actually, I have already. For breakfast I had Avocado, Spinach, Tomatoes, Walnuts, and Blue Berries. I went light on the Avocado & Walnuts (They have lots of calories ... good fats)

    Eat in small servings at regular intervals. This will allow your body to have balanced metabolic activities which improves the fat burning process. You can eat boiled veggies to prevent the fat and calorie storage that is responsible for weight gain.


    Sorry Jessy but boiling vegetables will remove most of the nutrients. Bake in the oven instead with a little olive oil, and pepper. (Try'll notice a huge difference in the taste too.)

    Ducky, I don’t want to turn my oven on. We’ve had 17 or 18 triple digits days in a row. My question to you: If you put the vegetables in just a small amount of water and boil them will the nutrients stay in the vegetables? I realize the oven would be better.

    Moderator's the boiling that destroys the nutrients. I don't blame you for not wanting the oven on when the weather is so hot. I use a little toaster oven.

    Make ur mind that u want to loss weight....eliminate rice,roti,butter,milk,etc

    Breakfast 7 to 9 am
    before break fast do exercise 20 min running or 1 hour walk,300 steps of skipping..then dring green tea...after that eat one slice of brown bread with boiled egg only white....

    Mid morning 10 to 12 am

    eat black peas full bowl

    lunch 2 to 3 pm

    bowl of vegetables like tomato,cucumber,bolied any kind of vegetable or if u dont want to eat vegetables then eat bhuta,(chali)

    4 to 6 pm
    after two hours of lunch you can take black tea please use skimmed milk intead of using cow milk or goat milk and use brown sugar

    7 to 8pm

    2 slice of brown bread with boled vegetable or u can also take peice of boiled chicken

    then drink green tea and do exercise same as u do in the morning.....its a perfect diet plan and plz dont eat crackers junk food etc


    Your nutrition plan looks pretty good. We’d all be better off if we could learn to love vegetables for breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, and snack.
    I buy lots of vegetables, put them in the fridge ... and they just lie there and die there and then I have to throw them out.

    Those days are over. I am going to bow to every vegetable.

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