    What is the Biblical allusion of Cain and Abel?

    0  Views: 1833 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    if this was a myth none of us would be here today
    An allusion is a figure of speech that makes a reference to, or representation of, a place, event, literary work, myth, or work of art, either directly or by implication.
    Cain and Abel offered sacrifices to God. When Cain saw that Abel's pleased God he murdered his brother. Cain was exiled by God. That is the answer I believe mjunior was looking for...

    I can assure you, there is no myth here with these two boys. For this, alot of folks will be upset by what I am about to tell you; it is only because you asked.

    The "allusion", you seek, is based on forgiveness and because God chose to let them grow up together. He knew that one of them did not belong in this "story" (history). The story was always supposed to be about Adam and how he came to be; but something else entered into this 'story' and because it found life and also became flesh, God did not hold it against him that he was born; so he allowed them to grow together.

    the Lord watched over all of them, but when the one had allowed his nature to manifest, it became apparent that ways had to sever. And the Lord, sent him away from His face.

    Alot of folks will argue with you, will differ with you, and call you ill because you have read and have seen for yourself. Do not even take my word for it. Go and read the words, and see it for yourself and then, we can talk about it!

    But, Cain was no child of Adams. He did not have a nature that Adam had and was not listed in the geneology of Adam. Only that he had taken the life of Adam's son whose place Seth had filled. The 'story' continues with Seth.

    The so-called 'allusion' is the part that is missed. it has been implied, argued, disputed, and some believe they know what it was; but the allusion, is what was the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil"?

    You figure that out, and you solve the so-called myth or 'allusion' as you are calling it. The allusion appears to be nothing more than a tree that was plucked. But, I can also assure you, it was none of that!

    Your sister,


    The key to seeing the meaning, is remembering that we, ourselves, are not telling the 'story' in Genesis. It is Christ, the Lord, Himself. He is the one telling what happened in the beginning and how we came to be in this position. But, it started there. And the Story belongs to Christ, it is His story... He is telling it.

    Let Him speak!


    Where do you think Cain came from, if not from Adam?

    Have I not replied to this question before in some other words? he is the son of the thing we only see as a "tree".


    Beats me, it's the first time I've seen this question. It is an interesting answer though, something I saw referred to in the book, The Binary Effects of God. I think it was in Jeremiah, where God is describing the tree that cared for creation. I will have to find the verses.

    Example to you: Tree.

    Within a dream, a tree is a tree, it is tall, many branches, and roots through the ground, springing some distant place.

    So, when the dreamer awakens, he describes what he sees. To him, it will be but a tree with branches, and roots stretched through the ground.

    However, if someone were to hear his words and help him to see what it is the word implies, he would understand that the tree is a symbol of a person in his life, many members, and his geneology stretching through the years, whose history may spring up in any distant land.

    With that said, it should be known to you that Scripture refers to people as "trees", "Plants", "seeds" and some are referred to as "weeds". How it is used, will tell you much about the person.

    The same for the tree in the Book of Genesis.

    Go and see for yourself! The key to you is this: "knowledge of good and evil" and "in the midst" but not "IN" or "a part" of the garden. Go and see!

    To see it, you must realize this one had knowledge of some things. Not only that, but he was in a position to move about as "it" was not planted in the garden, but as much in the midst of it as Adam and Eve.

    Ooooh, and another thing that's gonna bake your noodle, is the desire this woman felt the first time she laid eyes upon him! Yep! She wasn't feeling none of that with Adam and they were naked for a looooong time. No desire like that for this guy, from this virgin girl!


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