    i m crazy

    +3  Views: 933 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    8 Answers

    Congratulations.....many of us are and we just don't know it.

    It's good to know before others start to tell you.......


    I hate when that happens...

    Aren't we all...


    I like Patsy Kline singing that song..." Crazy "

    I use to be until i found aKaQA,and all my good friends on it,

    Then you will work out fine answering for aka!  Join the rest of us...


    Patsy Cline, sang Crazy, I would like to have heard she and Willy sing it together...
    country bumpkin

    Willie is a staple in my hometown.

    Ben Franklin said,  " Everyone's crazy, but for me and thee. And ,  sometimes I think thee is " 

    The more I hear about what  my friends do, the crazier I think they are.


    She nailed that song! Love it.

    That song Crazy is just wonderful,I think we do crazy things rather than are actually crazy! Specially when we are young and fearless, we have forever to reflect and regret!!(and laugh)

    Do you mean you really are having symptoms like hearing voices when no people or devices for hearing are around? Are you afraid beyond what others think is “normal?” Do you feel like you just can’t move? Do you feel like you want to hit someone or key their car? Do you want to eat way too much or way too little? 

    In my life I have definitely felt like I was “crazy” I go to a psychiatrist once a month and I  have found out that i’m not psychotic but just a little neurotic. I take Xanax for anxiety. It takes away my symptoms of my heart beating fast.

    I like the answers the people have given you. Some kind of fun. Some funny. We can’t really tell if  you are serious or just in a mood.  Let us know?  I sure like Benthere’s answer. : )  

    If you are really have problems (You can see most people have them) call your doctor, a crjsjs line in your town or 911        


    thanks hector, you just never know what someone really means. I hope our friend is ok and was just kidding.

    Yes it's a crazy life.

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