    If your best friend has a child with a developmental problem - like Aspbergers - should you comment or not. ,

    Why does she keep it to herself? 

    0  Views: 568 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers

    Do you know for a fact the child has been diagnosed, or are you making a judgment call?  
    If you
    know there has been a diagnosis, then you heard it through gossip, because you mentioned that your friend doesn't say anything to you about it,  NO, you don't make a comment.  If your friend wanted you to know, then your friend would tell you. To make a comment about something you aren't supposed to know is just wrong.  Be quiet.

    She almost certainly knows but is in denial. I read recently that some companies are actively recruiting autists as they have special traits that non-autists don't- attention to detail, amaxing recall, ability to concentrate. Aspergers and autism are perhaps talents, not handicaps.


    I say no, don't comment.The condition is apprently incurable so why interfere?

    Denial ... maybe. Good suggestion.
    I don’t understand the term “autists” Does a person hired as an autist have the problem or are they’" autist artists "- (a person who somehow has skills to understand and help)
    I’m not sure this post is understandable.
    I do believe the condition is incurable but maybe it’s good to start fairly early to recognize what’s good.
    My friend may be getting ready to talk about it. Yesterday, she reminded her little son to look me in the eyes when they left.

    New Scientist 1 June 2013 carries an article entitled 'Have Autism, will travel'.Worth reading as it says that German software company SAP hopes to gain a competitive advantage over its rivals by actively employing people with autism spectrum disorder.

    nomdeplume: That is fascinating. I know I’ll never find the magazine. Is it on the internet ,,, or an excerpt. Truly amazing news.

    You would confuse your friends and relatives when you told them about your new job as an autist. : )

    Nom, That's a good way of puttin' it.

    If they are really close friends it shouldn't matter as long as you make helpful comments. They may think you don't know or understand the problems, and you could help by letting them know you understand and want to help. My wife worked with children with all sorts of special needs ( autism, downsyndrome, behaviour problems ) for about 30 years, and she just naturally puts herself forward  to help people who have children or adults with these problems.


    I like your wife. My friend helped me in my preschool/daycare. She knows that I am somewhat acquainted with the problem. Your wife has more training than I have. I’ll be zooming through the internet.

    I work with parent who have children with Mental Illness and Autism / Autism spectrum disorders.

    First off I want to point out that Einstein and Newton both had Aspergers and were both  Bi-Polar.

    Then I want to say yes I believe you can say it with out killing her inside . I have to do a lot. But its important for parents to know what kind of serves they can get for their child and its been proven that early childhood intervention makes a world of difference. the more time you waste on telling her the more time that child is losing. Its the lessor of two evils. And with behavior modification and services the quicker the better.

    Its hard, believe me, but worth it if they the help they need.



    Einstein had Aspergers?! Newton?!
    Thank you for your comments. I want the best for her and her little boy. I think the problem is I’m just not sure enough. Her son is four. I will keep your words in mind and listen closely to her words.. <3

    Yes they both did. Check online for the SonRise program and Inland Regional Center ,
    There are a lot of medical centers that will test him properly. If you need more info let me know.

    If you know her real well, adn you want to get her to open up about it.......just put some feelers out there and she might really talk about her child's condition.



    gerome, why not? I appreciate your answer but I need more information from you.

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