    Well, it's that time again.......Father's Day. What did you learn from your father ? Or what did you learn not to do by his bad example,....if he wasn't a good role model.

    +4  Views: 711 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    7 Answers

    Oh mcm there's so much...he was wonderful..lemme see...he taught me to really look at things like the sky and people's faces and to listen to the wind as it makes its way through the leaves of different trees and how the sounds vary among them...he taught me to love my Native Heritage...and to love animals... and underdogs... and to find the beauty in people...and he taught me the first 3 chords I ever played on guitar...and gave me my first guitar...he let me know often how much he loved me and was proud to have me as his in peace Paw and God love you 'cause I know I sure do...Happy Father's Day !



    Nice lindilou,very nice...

    beautiful, Lindi. And I like the rainbow .

    I learned that alcohol is not a good beverage.

    My Dad taught me to mow a lawn, how to barbeque a steak, how to use a stick shift and, how to run away from difficulties....

    My Dad taught me to laugh at myself. My Dad taught me how to feel guilt and how to react to it as if I would be destroyed for confessing it, poor Dad  was taught the same things himself.

    I've wanted that my Dad would have availed himself of the same opportunity that I've been given although, God is still at work on both of us.

    My Dad taught me some great colloquialisms such as;

    Nuttier than a fruitcake; Colder that a well digger's butt; Slower than the living coming to Christ; Faster than Johnny Speed; Dingier than a peach orchard(don't know!);

    Darker than Cooty's butt; White as a sheet; Crazy as a Jaybird; Shaking like a ___ in church; Shakin' like a dog pooping razor blades, I'll stop now.

    Thanks to my Dad I can create my own and not be repetitive about it. He's still kickin' down in Mexico recovering from a stroke. I got to help his wife change his 'Depends' a few weeks ago when my brother and I visited.

    He's of good cheer when we visit, lost much long-term memory and is learning how to talk and walk again at 79 years of age. He loves Little Richard, Fats Domino, Chuck Berry, Freddy Fender, Merle Haggard, Tammy Wynette and Elvis.



    Sounds like a cool guy, Fig.Glad he's getting over his stroke.

    Well I won't knock my father too much on Father's Day but as far as teaching me anything good,well  I just can't think of anything off hand.He had a love affair with the bottle.The thing I remember most about my father was when I was growing up I saw this hard working and hard drinking man full of life (so it seemed),then years later after I had been away for a bit,he came to see me for the last time,and all I could do was cry for the broken man he had become.Fitting that his life ended in a bar huh? But you did ask what he taught me NOT to do also,well he taught me NOT to drink,so that's a good thing I guess(thanks pop) ( I did love him you know)...Thank God for mom's...


    My dad wasn't there, he wasn't a drinker, but worked at commercial fishing. He would be out 2 wks. at the time, home for 2 days! Not very conducive to family life, they divorced. This was back in the 50's when it was not common. So I can say that I did not really know him, maybe a work ethic?

    Rick, glad you learned from him to NOT drink.

    Bustie, two of my freinds' fathers were merchant marines....on the Great Lakes. They weren't home much, but when they did come home, they made more babies.

    Guess that's why we had 5 kids then, we later had a 6th, after he was out of picture...

    I  had a natural dad and the one who raised me. My natural dad died first and I still wasn't talking to him. The man who raised me died almost 5 months ago and I still hear his voice, what he would say, how he'd remark, and that he loved me.........


    sorry he died, jh. I know what you mean about hearing his voice in your mind.

    My dad was around for the first few years of my life, if being out to sea for 2 wks. and back home for 2 days is around.  Parents divorced, mom was left with 5 little kids, she had a breakdown, we were gathered up and sent to 3 different foster homes.  She returned a year later, and got us back together.  Mom taught us to fix stuff, like breaks on a car, a leaky faucet, how to add on to the house, build a fireplace from gathered rocks, how to do with what we had, and how to stand up and speak your mind.  In our dysfunctional house there was little love, and plenty of fighting between we kids.  One of the younger brothers, who had cancer, tried to get us to re-connect with dad as adults.  Too much time was lost, and it was like meeting a stranger, who we were taught to dislike, from actions of mom.  When my own family came along, I made a point of being the best dad that I could be.  And now greatest Papa to the grandkids!  My wife and  I have taught our son and daughter how to repair and fabricate things, the ways of the world, how to love others, a strong work ethic, and how to stand up for yourself, all mirrored from my mom's actions. 


    bustie, I'm sorry you had to go thru that. But , glad you learned from his inaction how to be the best dad ever.

    I miss my Dad so much! My folks divorced when I was 13 years old! I am now 67 and my Dad died years ago! I still miss him!  He was my hero! I'm crying- I have to take a break for a few minutes! Please everyone-- Enjoy your Dad NOW if you can!


    clu, glad someone here is older than me for once. Sorry your dad died, but glad he was your hero.What a tribute to him that you still cry after all these years when you think of him

    clu... ;)

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