    I am 52 years old, never been in trouble in my life, not even a speeding ticket, and I have been charged with petit larceny~~~what can I do?????

    This happened at a Walmart store.  I was shopping, had gotten over 40 items, spent over $200.00, went and checked out,  was stopped by an employee, had three items (blank CD, game for PC, Virus cd) under some soil and dogfood.  I hAD HONESTY forgotten about these items.  She had stated that she thought I was someone else, but turned out I wasn't.  She had already called the police, they did not take me to jai but gave me a court date.  I am sick about this~~~  I was not trying to steal anything~~I had honesty forgotten about these items.  I AM on disability and I go shopping once a month, I try to get everything I need at one time.  I was hurting so bad by the time I got out of there I was crying, then all this took place.  Is there anything I can do about this???  PLEASE ANY SUGGESTIONS????  I do not want  CRIMANAL RECORD for a honest mistake~~~~JUST SICK ABOUT THIS`~~~HELP PLEASE

    +1  Views: 499 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    4 Answers

    Have you tried talking to Walmart?  Customer service or what ever?  If you go to court tell them the true story! I'm almost sure if you discuss this with either Walmart or court --It will be dropped! Good luck and let us know how it goes!


    no. I haven't, but I am going to. Thank u for your help~~

    You don't say what country you live in, if it's the UK go to citizens advice, if not try getting a pro bono lawyer, mistakes happen, don't worry about it too much.


    I live in the US, what is a pro bono lawyer?

    A lawyer who will give his/her services for free, there are lots around.

    Like with traffic court, it will either be dismissed, or you will be released, no probation or anything.  This is because of your record.  Do not try to say that you have a mental disability (unless you have), as this will have greater ramifications than you will like.  Good luck...

    This happened to a friend of mine many, many years ago. He had a sunglasses clip-on over his glasses and forgot to take it off and lay it on the counter with the other $100+ worth of merchandise.  We were followed out the door and stopped with a "Sir, I believe you neglected to pay for something belonging to the store".  He was taken to a "room" for a REALLY long time, and, finally, I was called to join them.  The security guard said that my friend was going to pay for the merchandise, and no arrest was being made. 
    You are past that point, and it's too bad, because I believe you would have gladly paid for the items.   If you are entitled to a public defender, secure one, and make sure (s)he is someone who will motion the charges be DROPPED.  
    Video surveillance tapes, along with your testimony, and a track record of being a consistent customer of the store, along with good references from everyone you know, should help you  make a good impression on the judge.
    IF the charges are DISMISSED,   the record of your arrest will remain on your brand new record for the rest of your life.  You need to have the charges DROPPED.   

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