    what kinds of food should be avoided when diagnosed with diverticulitis?

    0  Views: 542 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    nuts and meats, eat more fiber.  I had it for a while, Dr. said review your diet, I did eat less meat and it got better.  I now eat whatever I want with no problems. 

    In the article "Foods to Avoid with Diverticulitis," the website implies that it is ironic that the same foods that can help prevent this disease, can be harmful while treating the acute stages.

    Nuts, seeds and whole grain foods should be avoided during the inflamed and active stage of diverticulitis. These are the same foods that help to avoid the symptoms in the first place.

    Spicy, hot dishes should be avoided by people with this disease. If you have ever eaten a meal with a lot of jalapenos, etc., and had a bowel movement the next day, you can certainly see why this would be avoided when you are having a diverticulitis attack. The last thing your inflamed bowel needs is further heat.

    Strawberries are healthy, low calorie and rich in vitamins. Yet this delicious fruit can irritate an already inflamed bowel with its tiny, outer seeds.

    Popcorn and corn are other healthy foods that while they are high in fiber, good for you, and prevent diverticulitis attacks, they often aggravate the already compromised bowel area during an attack. Therefore, follow a high fiber diet to prevent attacks, but avoid them while suffering from an attack.

    Read more: Foods to Avoid in Diverticulitis | eHow

    Whatever you find difficult to 'pass' and cut down on animal products.

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