    should you expect your real estate agent to personally show your house?

    I have had my home listed for 3 1/2 months and while others have shown it, my agent has not shown it once.

    0  Views: 816 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    Perhaps you have a real estate agent who is extremely busy and has to pass along some of his/her potential buyers, to another agent.  As long as it is being shown, why would you care? If you do care, ask him/her. The worst that can happen, is that your home will be shown less often.


    When the house is listed the agent will spend hours going over the house in minute detail. Should she/he not be the best person to "show" the house rather than a "fly-through" by another agent?

    Every agent has access to "the details". Any good salesperson selling "anything" will be fully aware of those details. That's what "selling" is all about.

    Sorry, but having been in sales for many years I have learned that knowledge of the product one is selling is vital and an agent (no matter how great she/he is) cannot properly describe and/or evaluate a property with a few minute fly-by. If the listing agent is THAT busy he/she should not take the listing.The motivator for the agent in many instances is the money - not the satisfying of the seller.

    The details are all in the listing book and it's a simple matter of reading. Since you consider yourself to be so knowledgeable about how to sell a house, combined with all of your experience in sales, it's obvious to me that once the listing expires, you should just sell it yourself. (I'll guess that the agent would be happy for that to happen, if you talk to him/her using the attitude that you display here.) I'm sure you'll have a deal closed in less than 48 hours, probably for more than you're asking. Nothing to it. Good luck!

    I take it that you are a real estate agent since the slightest criticism gets your hackles up.. N'est ce pas? I am very respectful in my conversations with everyone including my real-estate agent.
    However, for a $20,000.00 fee I believe I should expect a little more than I am getting.

    "Slightest criticism"? Sounds more like a tirade to me. I am not a real estate agent but I do understand the selling process as does every person I know, who has been in or near the business of "selling". Guess you're not one of them huh? Poor agent.

    @country bumpkin... LOL!!

    fire him / her and get one who will show the house to prospective buyers

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