    I just broke up my 7 year I am broken...any good advice to stop hurting

    Okay...not sure how to close questions anymore but I think I just need to move ahead here with life. Thank you for all your care and kindness as well as the critical answers. The truth hurts sometimes and life does go on. Time to pick my sorry ass up ad move on. Thanks again and for the record we really need some way to close questions that we feel are done.

    +6  Views: 5151 Answers: 34 Posted: 13 years ago

    First, I realize that words are cheap and often do not resonate. However, my comments like previous voices are joined to pray and hope that your break was meant to be and that you will find new and meaning full life in the near future.

    So unfortunate that your relationship was with a person who is unable to face reality and life without consuming liquid drugs. My experience with alcoholics is considerable. Many will not recover because life scares them as does responsibility to others and to themselves. Two of these unfortunate people was my father and a Brother-in-law. I won't bore you with details, but thank God you are no longer associated with a man whose life is destructive and harmful to virtually everyone in his path.

    From your picture, you are a very attractive young lady. My guess is that you are a wonderful mother with good boys who love their Mom.

    My suggestions are two fold. First, begin thinking independently. Very difficult and will not happen overnight. But, eventually you will find strength from your innerself that will cause you to stand tall and face life without needing another party. My sister has had four marriages and has finally become the person she always wanted to be; independent, strong, responsible, God fearing, and without fear of any kind. Not that she would not like a spouse; but if that should happen, she has the faith and dependence upon God which will help her choose wisely. Should a relationship not occur, then she is prepared to live with dignity and happiness alone. Albeit, her cat is giving her great company. PS: suggest that you acquire a loving dog. Our Scotty and Westie are excellent company and loving gifts from God.

    The other suggestion is that whether or not you know the God of Abraham, begin asking Him for help and support. God loves His creation. He loves having people lean on Him. Replace your dependence on others and transfer it to the almighty - God and His Son Jesus. Don't think - just do it! Ask Him... God has great hearing and a kind heart.

    Incidentally, you have already demonstrated great strength. Raising two boys and owning a Salon is challenging and says a lot about a very nice young Mother who has a great future. Just learn to depend on God and yourself!

    God bless you and may you enjoy His peaceful and loving care.

    For reference: I am a seventy year old man with 52 years of marriage.


    Thank you so much for your strong support. I have been asking for God's help. I just feel so empty...admittedly fear is part of this as well. I never lived with my boyfriend so I have always been independent for the most part but it's the awful feeling of yet another failed relationship.I'm 42 and again alone.Looking back at past relationships, I realize that maybe there is something in me that needs to be worked on . I love my boys so much and pray that I will start to feel that comfortable safe feeling again.Being alone is not something I have enjoyed in the past so maybe time to figure out why.

    34 Answers (31-34 Displayed)

    Okay.. so somehow I stumbled across this website and landed right on "Mom's question." Call it fate, call it what you will but I just started typing things into Google and here I am...

    I read through practically all of the answers on here and I couldn't help but imagine that some of this advice I could use myself...

    I was inspired to write on this "question" instead of starting my own.. one, because I'm new to this, and two, because the people in this particular forum seem to give great advice... I was hoping for the same.

    I just broke up with my boyfriend with whom I am still very much in love with. We have known each other since we were teenagers. HE had a crush on me then but I wanted no part of him at that time in my life. He was known as a "bad boy" with a bad reputation to boot. And... I had a crush on someone else.(lol) Anyway, to this day he admits that this crush he had on me wasn't a crush. He "was in love." I'm guessing it wasn't so much "love" but the simple fact that he couldn't have me is what drove him crazy. He could have any girl he wanted and I was the first to tell him no. This "crush" went on for years, but to me we were just friends. I never kissed him or lead him to think we would ever be more than just that.. but still he was persistant!!

    So.. after a few years went by he got a girlfriend and moved to Seattle with her. Over the holidays he would come to visit. One night close to Christmas day a girlfriend and I were searching for something to do. I called him and he happened to be in town. We rushed right over to a party he was at and well... that was the night the tables had turned. It was as if he put a spell on me.. I'm not kidding, I had no idea what came over me but I felt something for him that I had never felt before... When I saw him and gace him a hug a tingle went rushing through my veins as if I had been struck by cupid himself!! ( I know what your thinking... party? alcohol? maybe that's why I was tingling inside... but I can assure you I had not been drinking at all that night)... Anyway, that night was our first kiss...
    Yes, he still had a girlfriend with whom he lived with and it was wrong.. but it happened... He left a couple of days later... no call... no text.. nothing... After about a week of trying to reach him.. I gave up...

    Shortly after, I moved on with my life and decided to give another guy I had been seeing (on and off for a few years)another shot. I had totally dismissed what happened between "just friends" ( that's going to be his nickname in this story) and I, and chalked it up as, " it just wasn't the right time."

    Fast forward a few years later, and I was still seeing this other guy (leaving out his name.. so lets just call him "turned serious". After being together for several years (about 8) I got pregnant and we decided to have a baby. Let me point out at this time that although we had talked about getting married.. he never proposed.. not even after we found out we were going to have a baby. So, in the summer of 2008, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl... I also must mention at this point, that like many relationships out there.. ours was a bit rocky at times... definitley NOT perfect and at times he was very controlling... After I had my baby I knew rather quickly that I has PPD. And to make matters worse "turned serious" lost his job... Things got worse and worse over the next few months and just after my daughters first birthday "turned serious" gave me no other choice but to move out of "his" house and move back in with my mother.

    It's about to get complicated...that's if anyone is still reading...

    Apparently, within a week of this happening "just friends" moved back into town after breaking up with his girlfriend a few months prior... He happened to see me on facebook and asked me to go to lunch with him, and I did. All the feelings I had locked up and thought I had forgotten came rushing back... Now I know that may sound crazy but I just couldn't ignore it... Believe me I tried.

    (I have a feeling I could keep going on forever so I'm going to try and wrap this up....)

    Anyway, I went on trying to ignore these feeling for him and tried to work things out with my ex.. for our daughters sake... and well... I loved him. It didn't work. And just before her second birthday we split up again...

    Then, who do you think appeared once again... "just friends."

    Fast forward to just about eight months ago... "just friends" and I were in a relationship. He got close with my daughter as well as the rest of my family rather quickly... after about a month of dating he needed a place to stay and my mom said it would be fine if he stayed with us for a while.... a while turned into about 6 months... His true colors shined through after about four months of absolute bliss... things turned sour after a few times that he chose to go out with his friends and getting drunk/high. I thought he had cleaned up his act long before we atarted dating... but it wasn't long until his "addiction" problems shined through.... One night after he decided to go out with his friends he never came home... the next morning I got a call from his boss and he told me that Mark had done this before and that this was the last time.. he was fired... I was at work myself... and had no idea where he was.. dead or alive? I left work because I was so upset.. My daughter was with her father... and I just sat there and waited for him to come home... I spoke with his mother and his boss... called a few friends and nothing... no one knew where he was.... At about 3 in the afternoon ( after I had packed up all his stuff in garbage bags) he strolled in like nothing was wrong... Clearly I could see that he had been up all night drinking and doing drugs.... that was it for me! I kicked him out! He of course pleaded and pleaded with me to give him another chance... I told him he had to go... he lived on the streets for about a week before he decided to get on a plane and visit his friend in New York. I took him to the airport... and he promised me he was going there to change his life around... for him... and for us... I believed him.... He can be very convincing!!! So after about a month of very little contact he came home... now he lives with his mother and has been sober for 2 months.... He admitted to lying to me and even stealing from me while he was living in my house... he came clean with what I think is everything but you just never know... and that's the whole point... after a month of me wondering,crying,not recieving hardly any phone calls while he was away... he now asks me to forgive him...... It took me two months (from the day he came home until just last Thursday) to finally break up (officially end it face to face) and tell him that he is not well.. and that he needs to continue to stay clean and sober... get his life back on track... and then maybe we can revisit this again....

    I am still deeply in love with him even after all he has done and put me through... we have such a long history of being friends and then in this realtionship... I miss him so much and pray like crazy that he gets better... but I just don't know.. I'm sure it sounds crazy but I feel like if I truly loved him "for better or for worse" I should have stuck by him and supported him... but I had do separate myself and more importantly my daughter from him...

    He is the most intelligent, charming, sensitive, storng, lovable man I have ever met... and I LOVE HIM dearly,...

    I have been so sad,.. I thought for sure after all we had been through,.. he was my forever.....

    Believe it or not but I did leave out a lot, and as perfect strangers, or outsiders looking in... what I did was the right thing... BUT I still cannot seem to convince myslef of that totally...


    I can relate to your reply so much. I have realized though with time it has gotten easier. I still miss the hell out of him. I have tried my best to stay away and out of his business because I know in my heart things will only go back to where they were before the end came.I realize he was always who he is but I was hoping that he would change. I know what I want in my life and he is not willing to give that so by my waiting, he is just going to disappoint me over and over. He was my forever as well but now I know he was only part of it, showing me what was almost right.My children are worth the world to me and if they are not accepted, I am being selfish. I can't be mad at my ex just disappointed in myself for thinking I was going to be different to him than any other women he has been with in the past. Life goes on girlfriend...just keep busy and try to stay away from your ex...let him heal and figure out how he is going to fix himself.This is your time of healing as well.
    Well friend+++++++++++with a karma of 5000++++\\\\
    you are on the way to stop hurting.To learn+++we need to teach others.

    Unlike a tree, you have legs.Start moving.Your boys come first .
    Then you have time+++for you.\\

    As you help other , you help your self
    I am so tired of people not taking responsibilty for their life choices. No, pity here. Get off the pity pot, your getting a ring on your rear end.

    It shouldn't have taken seven years to break up. In a relationship it's nice to have two people with some sense. But in your case neither one you had any. He let you know what he was feeling and he still stayed around. You had another agenda and he wasn't interested and you stayed around. What did you teach your sons about women and love? You didn't love that man you were and still are afraid of being alone. Get into your children's activities, spend time with yourself. Take a class, get on a physical and mental get healthy lifestyle. You have wasted too much valuable time on a program of nonsense. Don't blame that man, because you knew very well what he felt. ONE MORE THING, APOLOGIZE TO YOUR SONS FOR MAKING SUCH A HORRIBLE CHOICE AND NOT MOVING ON YEARS AGO.

    I'm so tired of judgmental people. Who are you? Where did you come from? Go back, i think you left your heart there.

    Do you hiss in real life too?

    You, the person who can't figure out a paper jam on your printer but you think you can figure out another person's life that you don't even know? Get off your pedestal.

    Everyone has an opinion and I appreciate even ones that might sting. I have to disagrre this last man was such a horrible choice but your right , I do have to move on.Piss or get off the pot is one of my things I say a lot. I am taking my kids to Peru in less than a few months so at this point joining anyhting but the repaying to the bank is all I can do but once we get back....things are going to fly. Thanks for taking the time to give me a shit kicking...I'm a big girl and I can take it.


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