    why should you not overheat milk when making cappuccino and cafe latte drink

    A-customer stay longer as their drinks are hot

    B-The sugars in the milk burn and make the milk taste sour

    C-It takes longer to heat the milk

    D-It is dangerous as the milk may overflow from the jug while heating

    0  Views: 4629 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    5 Answers

    Don't know about milk but I do know you never make coffee with boiling water,even instant coffee.It makes it bitter.The water needs to be just off the boil.

    Simple, taste and texture.....

    B. Burnt milk ruins your drink, just as boiling water ruins Tommy's instant coffee.

    the milk can scorch and scald and boil over, creating a big mess. And it smells terrible too . And it's hard to get off a burner or counter top.

    Caffe latte relies on milk with a velvety texture to carry the espresso and to delivery the right feel in the mouth. Expanding the milk too much will create too much fluffy foam, overheating the milk will cause the texture and body of the milk to break down.


    So, the answer is "B" then?

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