    how do you part the hair?

    0  Views: 624 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

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    "Heart-shaped faces tend to be wider in the cheeks," says James. “A middle part complements this shape, but only if you have long hair. If you have short hair or too many layers around the face, it can have the reverse effect.” That’s because the cropped fringe will bring the focus to the wider area of your face. “A side part will also work by allowing hair to covering the larger forehead and cheek area and make the face look thinner,” suggests James.


    "Use a deep side part to showcase your strongest side," says James. Don't know which side is your best? Use a blank piece of paper to cover half of you face while looking in a mirror. Then switch sides. Whichever half you prefer the most wins! "Round faces need a curtain of hair to lengthen the shape and balance the features," says James.


    "A deep side part will soften the forehead and jaw line," says James. The long layers create a rounded oval by falling diagonally across the face and hiding harsher angles. The ideal place to start your deep part is directly above the arch in your eyebrows.


    "People with oval faces have it the easiest! They can pull off any part, any side, any way, on any style," says James. So why not try them all? Experiment with sides and angles for a mini makeover each day! Or try creating a youthful zigzag part.

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