    There's no question that the U.S. stature is still No. 1 in the world today. However, do you feel that the U.S. has peaked? If so, how long ago or which era did this happen?

    Evaluate this from the standpoint of economic as well as/or social stature.

    +1  Views: 729 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    is this a home work assigment
    yes the us is still number #1 as far as were concerned, how about the rest of the world they hate us . our cheif export is war,were number #1 in that, number two in blame, only cause we got guided missiles and mis guided people, whats more costly our troops our or gold. which is non existant(gold) in the us treasury thanks to pres. nixon who took us off the gold standard in the early 70s. that was the beginning of the end as we know it. our creditably wen't down the toilet since then ,except congress dosen't seem to acknowledge it
    well said daren1 i am scottish and proud of it you are a proud nation as well we dont "hate the people feel for them i do hate bush and tony blair causing that war they opened a can of worms our young boys from both our countrys are beening killed they should be put on trial as war criminals
    By no means will America reach it's peak in innovation we are and will be for sometime in the future
    Been that way since we broke off from Britain.

    Your sister,

    Speaking of Britain, most Americans don't know the difference between Great Britain and United Kingdom. Quite a sad situation.

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