    why do I have such bizarre, long,vivid, involved, life-like dreams every night ? And how can I stop them.?

    is it the Zoloft, or the fact that I eat before I go to bed. Or , is it b/c I watch too much TV ? Or watch it too close to when I go to bed ? Or maybe it's b/c I go to bed too late. ?  Has anyone out there been taking Zoloft and had bizarre dreams?. One woman I worked with in the 80s,. said that whenever she eats cheeze, she has wild dreams. Is that possible ?  I'll try your suggestions if they've worked for you. Thank You to all you great akaQA ers .

    +5  Views: 996 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    9 Answers

    It's most certainly the Zoloft, I was prescribed it a few years ago and had the same problem, I was then prescribed Propranolol which was bloody worse, if you can do without it the dreams will stop, worked for me.


    I was on something called Nitrazepan,for a time with a similer outcome,but it did not worry me,

    It never "worried" me but I always felt tired, as if I didn't have enough sleep, weird.

    I take a large cocktail and never dream much. I don't have bad dreams when I do......

    Depends on the meds Jules.

    I take 4 antidepressants plus sleeping pills, one would think I'd be dreaming up a storm....

    Or comatose?

    Except for my snoring, I sleep like the dead....

    Julie, people call me Jules, too b/c my name is Julie . One of my screen names is Jules. Anyway, did you go to 4 different doctors, and that's why you're taken 4 different anti depressants ? I don't think just one Dr. would prescrbe that. If he did, he should have his license taken away.

    Julie, P.S. Please don't mix alchohol and tranquilizers/ anti depressants. That's a recipe for disaster. Many a famous movie star,or singer has died that way.

    All from one doctor. It takes the mix to help me. I just had to stop one due to taking antibiotics and boy! could I tell the difference. I am severely bi-polar... I make jokes about drinking, I watch it though.....


    Cheese and dreams study>>


    C B, hhhmmmmm, so there's something to that. I'll look at it, even tho' I don't eat much cheese.

    Pretty cheesy answer. :)
    country bumpkin

    Q: What happened after an explosion at a French cheese factory?
    A: All that was left was de brie.

    You just put extra cheese on it! lol

    This is a regular occurance for me.  I don't drink alcohol or take medicine to sleep ... I don't eat past five pm and the programs I watch are usually "How To" or documentaries.   Hmmmmmm.... could it be that you have an active imagination?  Start writing the dreams down... you could have a story there!

    I have had vivid dreams my whole life I have never taken any any Zoloft or drugs like them vivid dreams are normal some have them some don't nothing to worry about


    Whovin, I, too have had wild, vivid dreams all of my life. So did my bro when we were little. But, my deams now last longer, and happen every night , and are more vivid.

    Dreams can mean something, but most of the time it is just your mind working overtime.  Without meds or late eating, most people do dream.  Remembering them all and vividly is not usual, however it can happen.  Enjoy them, or ignore if they are disturbing.  As Wonder has said, you may have fun writing them down. 

    I take no drugs of any kind. I've heard that dreams keep you from waking repeatedly, during your sleep. The only time that I remember a dream, is when I wake up in the middle of the night, laughing out loud. Now, how weird is that?     :)


    I Belive everone dreams when they sleep,if you do not dream while you sleep your sleep would lack what is called rem,sleep,and it would not benifit you,as if you have had no sleep at all,

    Hey hector...that's what I thought I had heard too! And people who take sleeping pills never get "real" sleep and that is why they are intended for short term use only.

    I don't think it's too much to worry about, although the drugs may have something to do with it, why don't you come off of them, if you think that's the cause and see if it makes any diiference. I think we all have strange, wild,vivid dreams at times, I don't think there is any real explanation for them, although I always think it's to do withwhat you have been doing or thinking about the day before.

    Did you have the same problem prior to taking the medication, MCM?  It could be a side effect, which you can find out by contacting the pharmacist who filled the RX.
    I watch all kinds of TV and generally fall asleep with the thing on, and then it's a murder investigation type show.  Lots of blood and gore.
    I sleep soundly and thoroughly, but it could be because I don't go to bed at a set time; I fall asleep when I'm sleepy.
    A different med may be advisable.


    LOL! Same here Bob...forensics, blood spatter patterns, DNA testing, entry wounds, and to bed and instant sleep. :)

    And to think I grew up with sitcoms and variety shows. Hogwash!

    The Waltons...aaaaahhhhhhhh!
    Dean Martin
    Carol Burnett

    I met Dean Martin in the coffee shop at The Frontier Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas years and years ago. He was so gracious and kind to my sister and me (just two dopey kids). I still have the 8 x 10 black and white glossy he autographed TO me. What a good guy..I've never heard a bad word about him (and wouldn't believe it if I did). Happy evening, Ducky.

    That is a nice memory. How are you doing Bob?

    Out of work, out of shape, low on hope, trying to cope.
    Sitting a lot, not eating right, planning things to do, but feeling so blue.
    I'm being my own worst enemy, Ducky. I just can't get myself going. I have so much potential, and "I think I can", but I just don't.
    I have kind of given up on "life". Hope it's temporary (is 3 years still "temporary"?)

    Bob I know that you know this. Don't let depression take over! Go outside for a walk, first thing in the morning. Do it everyday. Force yourself to keep moving and most of all, stick with positive people, those who won't allow you to be down on yourself. Remember too, adult children make their own decisions and pay their own consequences.

    I DID go for a walk today and felt good about doing something. Will walk in the rain tomorrow and get some yardwork done. Unemployment call due tomorrow morning, so keep your fingers crossed for me. I have a test for job placement coming up. Spiritually, I am empty, which is most of my problem. You are a sweetheart. Thank you!

    I will keep my fingers crossed. You WILL get the job! :)

    Thanks, Ducky! :D

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