    why do some people think they are not at fault for whats going on in their life?

    +3  Views: 943 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    9 Answers

    Sometimes it can be hard to distiguish what is your responsibility vs another's responsibility.  Sometimes accidents happen & it's nobody's "fault".  Sometimes other people do" act out" against you.  It's all a learning lesson.  Figuring out what part you had in any situation and taking responsibility for that part is the key to getting past it & trying to prevent the same situation in the future.

    Because some people believe that they are ALWAYS right.


    And some people believe they are always right when they believe others believe they are always right :)

    Colleen, your answer sounds like a tongue twister.I would not want to be in a hurry, trying to say it,or even after a couple of drinks, lol

    I think- You made your own bed- now lie in it.  Some how this is NOT what others think- I think you always have some control over your own life. 

    Because ignorance is bliss!

    Accepting the "blame" means that the person must change something about their own behavior. They refuse to put in the effort because they would much rather be "right" than "happy". They never admit to being wrong and they never say they are sorry.


    Ducky.....I'm sorry

    Well finally! Okay I forgive you. LOL!!
    (Are you back or you haven't left yet?)

    Tanned,reinvigorated and back. Did I miss anything?

    Welcome back. Same ol' same ol' and I'll let you figure THAT out. :)

    Because it's always easier to blame others than it is to look in the mirror. 

    Tunnel vision, blinders, you name it.............


    Do you mean why is it difficult for some to accept responsibility for their own actions? Actually there are some people who are narcissistic and whom will never see anything as being their 'fault'...they are only in for their own glory...are these the 'people' to which you refer? I've come to see that there exists a 50-50 in any given relationship of choice...meaning I give 50 % and you give 50 % and we'll have a 100 % relationship...because inevitably a 60-40 rarely works. And then there is the problem of perception where a person sees an event one way while you or I see it a differing way...and so it goes into conflict..which humans are great at creating especially with one another. Just know that you are only in control of what you do, so lead by example...judge nothing that occurs, do good, and at the end we all get to go home from this massive crazy party !!!!   Peace.


    I've heard it stated in an even better way. It's 100% - 100%. If each will give the other a 100% effort, both will be happier than could be imagined. I kind of liked that one. (In reality, that's hard to do but most "profound sayings" are. lol)

    As are most 'profound' relationships Ducky ! I s'pose I look at it as 2 makes the whole thus I'm only responsible for my's all I can do...and I usually give 110 %....aha! Now you've got me doing math!!!!! LOL 1+1+1=... um....I'll get back to you.....;D

    LOL!! lindi. I just knew that my comment would be impossible for you to ignore. BTW, while you're doing the math, it's mathematically impossible to give 110%, even though athletes say it all the time!

    Y'mean I've been gettin' ripped off all this time ?! Consarnit Ducky.....LOL!!!!

    Please don't be dismayed lindi. It happens to the best of us. Lie down for a while and dream about that money that is coming in the mail...all 110% of it. LOL!!

    MONEY!!??? I love that kinda stuff !! Oh goody ...

    signed: Mrs. Gullible xox

    Oh no. :( I just remembered, it's Wonderdyke who is getting the money I sent. I think she'll share it with you...maybe.

    Rabasnabawabadaba!!! LOL She is kind and generous so...if I beg real nice....

    signed: Mrs. Gullibles' dog.

    Just human nature.We have a saying here, If you burn your butt on the stove you have to sit on the blisters.In other words take responsibility for you own actions.But who does? OK some do,but it's not 100%.

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