    Why do people smoke knowing there is about 4000 different chemical compounds in the smoke.

    Makes absolutely no sense. If they would look at a human lung from someone who smoke they would stop. Thats after they threw up from the sight of the nasty shape its in.

    +3  Views: 903 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    It's called addicted to nicotine. Be happy you do not have the addiction. I've looked at a human lung of a smoker and I still smoke. I've seen roadkill all mangled, bloody and nasty looking on the street and I still eat meat. Do you know how many cancer causing chemical compounds are found in the processed food people eat? Especially fast foods? Don't judge.
    be serious dude why do crack heads smoke crack, why do alcoholics drink, why do gamblers take chances!!its called addiction it's human nature you never took a chance on anything a man/women. despite the odds we are going to gamble only to satisfy the flesh!
    Why? I just love lighting up that first butt in the morning with my coffee. It's almost orgasmic. My grandmother lived in the Swiss Alps all her life, never smoked or drank, and ate what she grew and breathed air directly from God. Died of lung cancer at 83. Go figure.
    Why do people eat when there are so many chemicals placed in it to preserve and color and make it an appetizing smell..

    More people die of what they eat than what they smoked. Bad eating habits will give you heart attack, stroke, obesity not to mention salmonella, e-coli, food poisoning is a bigger threat but nobody brings this up..

    Smoke from your BBQ pit has more carcinogens in it than tobacco smoke, in winter, some areas people light their fireplaces, this smoke is deadly! Did you know that??

    Why do some people drive like idiots, jeopardizing not only their lives but mine and my family as well?

    The anti-smoking frenzy has pretty much taken its course here in CA, yet people still die young - You may not like the smell of cigarettes or tobacco in general but I don't like grass fires and the smell of flesh burning on a BBQ pit in which the meat itself is full of carbon which is not good for you in quantities. You nor me can escape death, and there is NO PROOF of second had smoke killing anyone, this is just another attack on the tobacco companies.

    BTW: I am not really a smoker unless you call smoking a cigar once a month or so a habitual smoker.. My grandfather smoked since he was in his early teens, about 2 packs per day, some debate that he smoked even more, he died at 97 years old, maybe if he didn't smoke he might have made it to 98.. I don't condone smoking but I really get sick of all the people that drink the koolaid-- That goes for global warming too! ALgore had made himself very wealthy on koolaid drinkers..
    Look out the window at any major intersection. It will have cigarette butts all in the gutters. People dont care about their health and sure dont care about the litter they create throwing it out the window. But keep it up, please, smoke all you want, Altria and Phillip Morris stock is returning good profits for me, thank you.

    Not all people. I never toss my butts on the ground, not even in my yard. I've even yelled at people for tossing their butts on the ground. Along with people who eat fast food and toss the food containers and wrappings out the car window. You can include beverage containers with that also. People of all kinds litter. Don't start and stop with just one type of litterer.
    Well colleen you never saw the one i did. I have never tried smoking, cant stand the stink. you all have the right to trash your bodies. i waste my money on lottery tickets, oh guess thats addicting.

    Do you eat junk food? Do you ever stop and grab a quick meal at a fast food restaurant? Do you drink soda? All those will trash your body too.

    Geez, every time I come to this thread, it makes me want to smoke. Be right back.

    May I join you?
    I doubt they know it. Show them this:

    Checked it out, now going for a smoke. My grandfather smoked all his adult life and died at the age of 98 cancer free.
    It's called "Freewill"

    People reject God's free gift of salvation. Go figure!

    You really felt your religion was needed here? You thumpers put out whiny threads telling everyone if they don't want to hear your talk of God stay out of the religious threads, yet you bleed your religion into non religious threads. Then you pretend to not understand why people get upset with you and claim they only do because they hate God or fear're a manipulative hypocrite.

    It only seems to irritate those who are intolerant of religion.

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