    What is your openion about people that correspond with prisoners ?

    +1  Views: 498 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    I don't get it. It can't be a real friendship and certainly most of these "relationships" don't work, if the prisoner gets out.


    Ducky, I agree with you, but I mean, friendship, not relationship.

    I guess I just can't figure out, how a person can be "friends" with someone who is locked up. I have no idea how that can work.
    Deleted User

    I have a friends whom I once lived with who I write to, but she writes about boring jail s*** that I don't understand at all..
    Criminals scare me even if she got out of jail I would be scared of her lol

    Exactly what I'm talking about WD...two different worlds. :(

    wounderdyke, If not, why not .
    Deleted User

    Why not? I can't see how I could form a friendship with someone whom is locked away for a horrible crime. I don't see myself having a connection with someone whom robbed, killed or raped someone. I would love to know what they think, in saying that I don't think I could trust what they were telling me.

    I have noticed many woman have a fascination for bad boys and bad girls.
    What sort of friendship do you think you could get from someone in jail? Before long they will be asking to to put money in there buy up account.

    When I write to my friend in jail, it is then I realise it is 2 different worlds she talks of things I don't understand. She dislikes the system , yet the system is what keeps the rest of us safe from killers like her. My friend went to jail at 18 and will never get out of jail. Her life wasted because of some stupid drug that sent her crazy.
    I don't write as much as I use to she has her new family in jail.
    I know people read out for communication from the outside, we all would if we were in jail, it's nice reading a letter.

    I want to know why you want to write to a criminal?
    Like I said I will be your pen pal but my hand writing is shocking :( ...
    Weird . Why would anyone want a relationship with someone in a cage..? Especially if there is no history between them like they were already in a relationship.
    I have a friend that I write to sometimes but I have history with this person, we use to hang around before she took drugs and did what she had done.

    I watch shows about prison wives. I feel sad for the ones whom have spent 15 years with a man whom is in prison for 10 years.
    Then I see the woman whom write to killers I think that's weird, why would you want to? I'm to little criminals scare me..

    Dont mean having a relationship with a prisoner, ment friendship.
    Deleted User

    That's different, I write to my friend in jail.
    Some people scare me is all, I don't know how I would feel having to write to Charles Manson :/ that would scare me ... But I'm a sooky lala

    wounderdyke, Thank you for your honest answer. I was just woundering what peoples reaction would be.
    Deleted User

    It's your life mate if you want to write to someone no matter who it is that's your choice, I would be your pen pal but my writing is shocking :)))

    wonderdyk,so you think your hand writing is shocking, that is because you have not seen mine :)
    Deleted User

    Maybe we should compare lol

    wonderdyke, Thank you for your honest reply. I got interested in correspondings, when I joined Amnesty International, read up on storys, and attended meetings,and realized there have been miscarrages of justice. This is what got me interested. Of course there are far more guilty, and learning about their storys, got me woundering, why a person would commit such dreadful crime.There was only one way to find out. As I was never going to meet up with a known person on the out side I decide to correspond with one and find out what goes on in their mind as much as possible, I worked in mental health for many yrs, and find this very interesting.
    Deleted User

    You should study more the psychology of it mate, I wouldn't go putting yourself in danger to do this. I find the human mind totally fascinating. What makes some people killers and there to scared to harm a fly?
    The human mind is interesting.
    I love watch the crime channel on tv at times I can no watch it humans speaking about a horrible act like you and I would talk about shopping.

    Some people are put in jail or institutions because they aren't able to fit into society, just don't have expectations of saving anyone. Take it as it goes. I don't know if anyone can strike up a friendship with someone like that, trust my friends maybe call them more a pen pal. Not so much a friend.
    Be very careful, I always say don't mess with things you can't trust or feel totally secure with, but in saying that I believe we all should face fears and do it anyway ..

    Just recently I volunteered for the Red Cross to call old people during the day, there sick isolated people. I can't afford to donate so the best donation is time.
    Deleted User

    I will ask duck tape to exchange my email I will write to you ..

    Ok, we can exchange e mail addeys, I understand where you are comming from, Im not trying to save anyone, be bit late for that. While some people referr to correspondings in general as pen pals, others as pen friends, what is difference between, Pals, and Friends .

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