    why are people so heartless?

    +1  Views: 842 Answers: 11 Posted: 11 years ago

    11 Answers

    Blame this guy!



    duck, he has a heart.

    That is an absolute statement and therefore can not be the truth.


    He/she meant "some". :)

    "Some' wasn't in the sentence. I must have missed ESP class today... :D

    Sit with your legs around your head, for 1 hour,and do plenty of OHOMMM,OHOOMMMM,OHOOMMMMM,

    Hector, it's OHOMMM, OHOOMMMM, OHOOMMMMM with a long O

    Those who ARE heartless have countless reasons:
    1. Unfortunate childhood
    2. Poor examples
    3. Narcissistic
    4. "Black widow" type woman
    5. Egomanical, self-centered
    6. Money hungry

    It's the nature of the beast....satan is real and alive...

    Think its a persons nature, been greedy.

    This is a blanket statement - not all are heartless. Some act in that heartless manner and that is partly poor upbringing and lack of education in real life. However look at them from afar - they are an unhappy bunch inside.


    Good answer sawali - but oh boy I have seen an awful lot of heartless people these days - I must have been looking through rose coloured glasses when I was young or things have really changed. "Who needs a heart if a heart can be broken" There seems to be a lot of fear without and within. I'm so happy and amazed that there are so many good hearts on here. It is also said our heart is in conjunction with the brain.

    Yes you do come across some heartless people from time to time. The best thing to do is try sending a good message through your behaviour and actions. If that does not have any effect, SIMPLY ignore them. The are incorrigible.

    sawali - it is good to set an example - I must say I never did conciously ignore people not until of late but I must have done. There is a young man living in our house who is a Reverend in his thirties - he is such a bully and so very selfish, it is quite frightening and I am scared to see him as he never ceases to annoy me, his way troubles and angers me but as you say people have their own way of going freedom of choice I guess. I find it difficult to understand how he does not have insight into himself and see the way he is especially a man of God - I am not the only one who feels this way about him - I do no say this to back up what I am saying just wonder if he feels any of this? Jim Morrison said it somewhat when he wrote "Ryders In The Storm".

    Man of God he may be as a job. he can learn a thing or two from you thru your behaviour to get out the inherent good in him that is supressed. If that fails, ignore him.

    sawali - how kind you are. I'm afraid he thinks he is far above me but I will steal his thunder soon - due to the fact that I will be more equal and have the Freehold to my flat like he does so as not to be bossed about so much and it will be passed on anyway - he and his wife bought theirs to increase the value of their flatxo

    Maybe because they are not connecting their brain with their heart and soul.


    witchway - there is a connection already so science says - but there seems to be a loose connection here for whatever reason.

    Fear drives many people to behave in a selfish manner.

    awe. you guys are awesome thanks so much for helping and answering my question! :D

    maybe when they got to Oz, he didn't give them a heart.

    BECAUSE ..........

    Are you heartless !!

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