    how old are you?


    0  Views: 1101 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    What mean this question ?

    jersy, what mean this english ?

    Jersy; It means, How many 'years old' are you?

    I know what means but really it`s a funny question.

    It must be a 'lost in translation' thing.

    Fishlet - great film "Lost in Translatio" - great actor Bill Murray and drop dead gorgeous Scarlett Johansson. Bill Muray has just finished new film called "Hyde Park on Hudson" realeased here in cinemas from 1st February.

    jersy - just love the way you say "What mean this question"? I can hear you saying it. Yeah some people do not like disclosing their age and in UK it is said "Never ask a lady her age" as for me I have never cared about this - then maybe I'm no lady.(joke).

    Poppy; Oh, I would like to see that. I haven't watched a movie in ages. Right now I have a Zumba video on. I have heard it is great exercise ... and now I know it must be... Cha Cha Cha!!

    Fishlet hey guess what I have the Zumba videos - still in the box - also have one of those vibrating machines - you stand on - the latter never used - not sure about this as no back, neck or shoulders plus oesteoporosis - think the latter not good for recks - got this a while ago but haven't set it up yet. Not sure about exercise per se but I will set up the Zumba because if nothing else music and dance I love - just have to do what is possbible Cha Cha Cha!!!

    Poppy; You can do a lower impact version. The instructors are always Gung Ho! I have been doing a Boot Camp Shred with Kettle Bells ... Oh my goodness! Ouch!

    Fishlet - I'll give it a go - thanks when I get over this heart op thing hopefully not such a big deal.

    Hopefully not. It is best to exercise when the Doctor gives you a thumbs up ... and proceed slowly. :) xo F

    Fishlet - don't you just hate those people like me that keep saying "I know" I do not mind but my cousin in Scotland used to not like it when I said "I know" as I was saying to ROMOS of course it is all different in Scotland huh! thanks xo

    My husband says, "I concur". It always makes me laugh!

    Fishlet - how posh can you get - although there could be a touch of sarcasm there - not intended.

    For me it`s not a problem the age, and i don`t like the fact when a lady lie for her age or be offend when you ask how old are you anyway it`s her problem. For example when a lady ask a man how old is he, the man has the right to ask too.I asked what mean this question to know for what he asked, for example it can be to know how old are generally the members of akaQA , to study what can think a twenty years old , a thirty years old etc.

    Now, I am in the loop. I would ask "Why do you ask this question?" or "What is the purpose of your question?". Thanks for clarifying Jersy.

    jersy - thanks from me too. Yes I think I get it now.

    Poppy; My husband was in the military for years... He is soooooo adorable. A 1950's version of a man. He's retro and accidentally cool. :)

    Fishlet - So so lucky you - love the retro and cool especially the accidentally.:) Emma Thompson has a drop dead gorgeous man both in the personality area as well as the looks. She said when she wakes up in the morning something like she cannot believe it on a program once.

    Sigh ... so romantical! :)

    Fishlet you so deserve - romantic - I am extremely romantic - but so unrealistically so - again lucky you - you are so very sweet!!!

    Thanks Poppy. :) You are pretty darned sweet yourself. How are you feeling?

    10 Answers

    3 score and 3 :-)

    robertgrist - Always thought what a lovely guy you are - always so positive - and what do you know you were born on Valentines Day - hope this brings more joy into   your life xo


    Thought Valentines Day is Feb 14, not in March ?

    March 26th….so Valentines day is moving to my birthday in MARCH?

    Dollybird - how nuts am I - so right - it just when I looked at his profile I see he started here 14th Feb. as to his birthday it is one day after my Mother's.

    robertgrist - so sorry - just nuts - that's me - but I am right you are youthful and full of fun - my Mamma wasxox - anyway I only have to look at you etc. Hope you have more joy on both days 14th Feb. and 26th March.

    Very, very old-ish....over half a century...



    You are not too old. ;)

    No...just...old-ish!! I feel like I'm about 21-ish but....I gotta grow up sometime...soon-ish. LOL

    68 in March…Thanks Mom for pushing me out. Yes mom, I know you are planning to come back as a nun. I talk to the dead already Mom, so why should I be thinking about a coffin? I don’t believe in the reanimation of dead bodies Mom. Cremation, of course.   


    Ok, Feb 14th here, robertgrist

    robertgrist, which date in March is your B/D ?

    I'm 16 going on 64 or is that 64 going on 16, yeah thats more like it . 1967 Seniors Rule

    How Much Do You WEIGH?!


    12 pounds

    I am 5. how old are you.  My  brother is ,4and a 1/2



    You were 12 last year :D



    YAWN BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! me no tell you!!!!""


    You're welcome lindilou:)


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