    What do think should happen to a footballer who kicks a ball boy in the stomach ?

    A Chelsea footballer kicked a ball boy in the side of his stomach, because he held onto the ball too long for his liking, I think the player should be banned for life, what do you think ?

    +5  Views: 608 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    I hope not, although I suspect the media will probably pressure the FA into doing something drastic,he will no doubt face a long ban which you know I disagree with.

    5 Answers

    I think the ball boy should be allowed to get his own back ,and kick the  footballer,up the bum,

    I think it's been blown out of proportion, the ballboy seemingly tweeted that he would be going out of his way to waste time if possible, he saw his chance when he grabbed the ball and proceeded to feign falling over then lying on the ball, Hazard was merely trying to kick the ball out from under him,WRONG? MAYBE, but he is the professional desperate to win the game.

    The boy is just a stupid kid.


    Might have agree to disagree on that one ROMOS,I think the professional should have known better.

    I've not heard the story but surely there must be more to it than just what I see posted here. But, nobody should be kicking anybody...........


    Check my link in comment to shootah.

    If the kid had tweeted that he was going to purposely do something to delay the game, the ball boy should have been fired and banned from the game, because of the fact he was purposely attempting to alter the normal course of the game.

    I don't buy into "he's just a kid, when we have 17 year old kids serving in the military who are held just as responsible for their actions as their counterparts. That might not be the popular answer in the eyes of the "touchy-feely types," but it is an apples to apples comparison demonstrating the disparity that manifests itself when someone creates different standards that people are to be held to.

    If we are going to hold the kid to the "he's just a kid" standard,  then maybe we should consider calling his mother, so she come and change his diaper and put him back in his playpen before he gets hurt out there!



    If he behaves like a "kid" he gets treated like one.

    To me, it looked like the player was just kicking the ball out from under him, not purposely kicking the kid. What bothers me though is, the fact that he tweeted about it and then did it.

    While I might disagree with purposely kicking the kid (which I don't think occurred), maybe it would have been more appropriate that the player took him over his knee and spanked him right there.

    Totally agree.

    I believe that the ball boy should get a FREE KICK, then be fired.




    Yeah then kick the ref up the bum,for good measure,O,L,L,

    Give him a go against a rugby team!

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