    What do you do when someone betrays you ?

    +1  Views: 769 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    1Take control of your emotions. Don't get angry, anger is not a helpful emotion. It does not help someone to see straight.

    2 Stay calm. If you have just been betrayed, you will have to be as calm as possible to protect yourself from more harm.

    3 Resist the urge to beg and plead your position. That is a position of weakness not as a strong place. If someone has been unfaithful to you, let that person go to the other person. Never beg them to stay; you are worth more than that.

    4 Walk away from them. This means go in the opposite direction from them. You do not chase them, you do not cling to them, and you let them do whatever they have chosen to do but without you in their life.

    5 Do nothing, give them no resistance. This is power over your life and brings peace. They can live their life just as they want too, as long as it is away from you. Weak people will let them have it both ways. The strong position makes them choose which way they will live. They can be either with you or with the other but not with both of you. It may be great for them to have both of you but if it makes your life not peaceful why tolerate it? 

    6 Let go and let God take care of it. Sometimes we want to run the world but it is not our job. Your job is to live your life as peacefully as possible. All you have to do is forgive. You are forgiving for your benefit. Bad feelings do not make us happy nor do they make us become the best we can be. You can become happy again. There is a whole world out there to love again, a new relationship, a new friend you can even have a whole new family. Family is not only the people we share blood with, it is the people who love us. 

    7 Learn this lesson. Forgiveness does not mean we have to go to lunch with the person that betrayed us. Many times it is when we are gone from their life that the person sees how valuable we are in their life. But first we need to treat ourselves with value and respect and love our self before others will treat us with love and respect. This does not mean that we should ever allow anyone to physically abuse us.

    8 Think no evil. Tell yourself that they would have done better if they knew how to do better and CHOSE TO FORGIVE them. Keep this saying in mind “How do you know what you don’t know if you don’t know what you don’t know?”

    Turn the other cheek, stay away from them, don't give them another chance to repeat the action, love yourself.......

    There is not much that you can do.  You accept it as being part of life and learn to choose your friends more wisely. Your only other alternative is to dwell on it forever, and become a bitter, angry and combative person. The latter will only hurt you, as you will end up alone. Say goodbye on move on.

    What do I do ? Once that trust is broken I would not have any respect left for the person that betrayed me.Obviously they can't be trusted, so out of my life they go.

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