    Would you sacrifice a golden ring for a guitar?

    Sorry all, i clear because i am shame of myself.

    +1  Views: 642 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

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    Karma: 1305

    Thank you all from my heart, all of you helped me so much and every answer give me a good lesson . Now i learn something very important, that a thing of your mother is very sacred, i will keep them forever in my heart . Love, love,love ... for all mothers in world.And for the guitar will come the time, i must wait the time and fight for my future .

    5 Answers

    Why don't you keep and treasure the ring of your mother.  You say that you do not have many funds, maybe it is difficult for your father also, did you ever think of that?  He has more responsibilities than you do, give him credit for keeping you well, fed, and with what you have.  Next, gain the biggest lesson, and become a young adult.  Go find a job, help the family if they need it, if not, use your earnings to fund the guitar purchase yourself!  It will mean so much more, and you will no longer be a whining child, but a young adult!! 


    No, my father have money 100%, and i would like so much to work but is so hard to understand, i live in a country where the life is different, people live act according traditions , for example living with your grandparents,uncle in a home, or really hard to explain the city life is more different but to live in a village is so difficult to find a job.Now, my mum can buy the guitar but i don`t want because she is housewiwes. Really i hate so so much myself, because just i don`t know. Nobody can`t understand me, can`t understand my situation, my life.I love and i will love my mum forever.How can i delete this question because i`m being shame from myself.

    jersy, I could delete the question for you but I think it's an important one for others to see and learn from. You do not need to be ashamed. You are young and learning. You can help others by allowing them to learn through you if that's OK. If you still want this question to be removed, I will remove it. But I do not think it's a bad one. You are learning about priorities through it.

    Jersy, I apologize for my rudeness in an answer which would have been more appropriate for young adults from my culture. I can clearly see that I did not use insight to predict what your situation involves. Regards.

    No, instead, i thank you all. All of you make me understand something very important in my life.

    Does that mean I should leave the question jersy?

    Yes. Because, maybe someone can understand something very important like me. I thank you so much colleen.

    Thank you jersy. Someday you will understand fully what a good thing you did by being big enough to rise above your embarrassment. ;)

    Would you trade your mother for a guitar?


    No, never.But the situation in my life and in family make me uncertain in the decision that i take .Now i hate myself and my life because everything that i do,i regret.

    Then now is not the time to make a decision. You're young. You are going through what every kid goes through. It's called learning and growing. It hurts but it's worth it in the long run. You'll be OK.

    The guitar is a passing phase, you'll have other desires, surely.  Keep and hold onto the ring...


    Yes so true, i change my mind like the weather.

    Hmmmmm? I wanted a guitar so bad. I love the sound of the guitar. LOVE IT. For me, I’d take the guitar. It will take you a long time to learn. Does your school have guitar classes? I’ll bet you will eventually get your mother’s ring. Your dad wants you to be happy. We’ll be waiting to hear what you decided.

    The Story Of Itsmee’s Guitar

    I went to the guitar store when I was about 20. I’d wanted the guitar for about five years. I picked out a beautiful, moderately priced acoustic guitar. I bought books. I took a class but everyone was so far ahead of me and the class was so noisy I got nothing out of it. I worked and worked. I played and sang for my class of little kids and they loved it. But no adults ever heard. I believe I played C & D. I couldn’t go any further. Anyway, I finally sold it. It was then that I found the problem? The frets were too far apart and if I had worked for 100 years I would never have learned to play. So ... Be Aware.


    Beyond the material things.

    It is better to free your heart

    Gold shall never bind it


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