    Is dangerous to have friendship with Albanians?

    +2  Views: 1023 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

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    Karma: 90

    Karma: 90

    Romos i don`t know much English, just be yourself always.


    ROMOS: I am jersy,as I said I do have a lot of Albanian friends, plenty here in Scotland now


    Karma: 90

    Thank you so much for explanation and i am happy that you have some friends that are albanian i would explain that with a wise word ``Mountain without wolf don`t have`` is a wise word of my country . Maybe you will understand what mean.


    ROMOS: Try to use the comment this answer jersy, that way I get a notice that you've replied to me, I know what you mean though.

    Sorry all i don`t know to use very well the webpages. Stupid answer but true . Not shame no one is born learned.

    We do not expect new members to know the rules which is why we let them know how to post. You're good.

    5 Answers

    Only if they're dangerous Albanians, I know lots, none of them dangerous.


    I know lots of dangerous Australians.

    I know lots of dangerous Scotsmen, whom I avoid now.

    You know i don`t want to hide my origine i am Albanian and i`ve heard that most of people have bad impression for us. I don`t want to have a feel that scare me that iam an albanian. I want the others treat me without ignore.In every nation exist different people. Just like every person in the world i want to say with proud that i am an albaninan. And i will say because have very good persons that make me proud of my country.

    My old man was a dangerous Scotsman.LOL

    I used to be Tom, age has mellowed me lots though.

    Re:- your comment in Roms answer, So you should be proud of your heritage.I would not be scared of you simply because you are Albanian.For the same reason I'm not scared of Italians.They're not all Mafia.Australia is very culturally diverse.I have friends whose origins are from all over the world.None of them behave like the stigma attached to their race by a few bad apples.


    Just i am scare for the impression of people .

    It's up to you jersy and others like you to change that perception people have for your race. It's not easy but it has to start somewhere and with someone. Show the world that you are simply people too and you only want what everyone else wants and you would like to live in peace too.

    I had an Albanian friend who lived in Greece, he was a nice enough person, I was told by locals not to have anything to do with him. He was ok with me ,didn't try to steal from me or anything , as I was told he would, he was OK.

    I went to Albania twice when it was Communist and although the people were not allowed to talk to foreigners many did and seemed friendly so don't see why Albanians should be considered dangerous.

    Viva Enver Hoxha, Scanderbeg, and Leka Zogu !

    Just don't befriend the Mafia>>>It is certain that mafia refers to secretive groups which cause organized crimes in over the world. Their names are often referred to by the name of the country they originated in and the majority of members will be of this nationality. Their activities are always illegal like drugs, firearm trafficking, etc. Here is the list of the biggest and most dangerous mafia groups in the world.

    The Albanian Mafia

    In Albania, the Albanian Mafia is considered as one of the greatest mafias. With a large number of criminal organizations, the Albanian mafia spread to international levels in the 1980s. They run sex and drug trafficking rackets in United States and United Kingdom. They are famous for quick use of violence for vengeance.


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