    Do you get involved?

    There's a kid crying, a woman being verbally abused by her man in a public place, someone struggling with packages/bag, etc. 
    Do you walk on by, or do you "add your two cents" and help.
    Me:  I'll always help a child or someone needing a hand.  I'd be more careful about butting into an argument.  Surreptitiously call the police?  Yes, if the situation warranted it. 

    +5  Views: 845 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    8 Answers

    Similar to you Bob, lost count of how many kids Iv'e helped with skinned knees, or lost in shopping centres, but arguments between adults (that should not perhaps be aired publicly anyway) I tend to stay away from though have asked once if the female was O.K, she indicated she was and appeared mildly grateful, I wouldn't hesitate to contact authorities if I thought the situation warranted intervention, but thankfully here it's mostly helping kids with their fishing gear. 

    Kids..YES!...everytime. Arguments? Monitor the situation until it gets physical,then step in...Maybe!

    (depending on who's winning LOL).

    PS. How's the romance coming along? :)

    the first instinct is to help the abused woman but this can backfire as the abuser can just wait till they are home and take it out on the woman, because he was pulled up about his have to decide the best action to take at the time and hope for the best.difficult.

    Kids are innocent and they deserve help from others. 

    I see it all the time in public places.My heart goes out to them poor little kids that are caught up with domestic abuse.If people can act like that in public, imagine what goes on behind closed doors.Would i offer assistance, no. Reason being is because the types of people that display that kind of behaviour are usually intoxicated or high on their pills.I would only be setting myself up for an argument.

    Only if it physical abuse. I would call the police. If it is only an argument, I would stay out of it.

    I don't encounter such situations very often, but I do try to help strangers as much as I can, especialy those who seem to be in a situation in which they can't protect themselves or get along by themselves.

    There are a lot of arguments going on where I live, we simply open the door as if curious and they tend to take it inside. I'm a big butt-in-ski though, I'm gonna get beat up someday.......

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