    UPDATE: Lance Armstrong- Victim or Fraud ?

    When all else fails, visit Queen Oprah.

    +10  Views: 1626 Answers: 13 Posted: 11 years ago

    Well, the obvious is now official. He has confessed. It was all a sham. Stripped of all his awards including his Australian Olympic bronze medal, why not confess ?

    Maybe this way, he may hang on to his estimated 150 million $ fortune.

    Probably not. Several lawyers have commented that he has now opened himself up to numerous law suits and some have already filed. Other lawyers have also stated, that being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey was a huge mistake and that he should have gone directly to USADA, before going anywhere else! Many who have had the "inside scoop" for years, say that he may not be lying directly, but he has lied by omission, in several of his statements.

    Still there will be the "everybody does it" defenders who think that Armstrong's cheating and lying is okay.

    13 Answers

    I agree 100% with the writer of the article. Lance Armstrong is a cheater and a liar. Some will make all kinds of excuses for "poor Lance" and talk about the good he has done. It is tainted by the fact that he is dishonest and has cheated his way to the top of his sport. Oprah can help him to show the world how terribly sorry he is. I believe that he IS sorry....that he got caught!


    You've got that right! I am beginning to doubt whether he ever had cancer.
    Deleted User

    I agree there I wonder if he had cancer , always did ...

    Fig and WD...I never even thought of that possibility. That would be as low as a person could go! :(
    Deleted User

    Your not wrong...

    How many others are out there just as as guilty. When ever money is involved incuding sponsers you will have cheats.
    Deleted User

    Well look at Andrew johns he just got away with it, poor Ben cousins was made a big example of..

    Of course there are others! That doesn't make Lance Armstrong any LESS of a cheater and a liar. He is not a child who made a mistake. ("But mommy, everybody else cheats and lies".) He is an adult who knew better and now faces the consequences of his actions! Just another rich, spoiled athlete, in my opinion.

    Funny you should say that Figtree.There is an Australian female singer who supposedly had a cancer scare.It brought her a lot of attention.Now her star is rising.Oh1 she's beautiful & all that but I can't stand her.I think she's a fake.
    Deleted User

    Are you talking about Delta? Lol I think she portrays Australia's out to look high maintenance.. Can't stand her don't mind a few of her songs but watching her gives me shudders

    Steady up Wonder.No names.No pack drill.

    How much money does he get paid for appearing on this show?..It must be worth his while/bank balance:-?
    Deleted User

    Yes I wonder how much she paid for the exclusive ...

    It's frustrating and I'm tired of all the hoopla.... There is even talk about renaming  Lance Armstrong street here in Austin. He's bringing someone else down with him is what the grapevine says.....


    Even in remorse,the guy's a fake.

    Well, I watched the Oprah interview and he steered clear of naming anyone else but did say it is part of the racing culture.
    The day he dumped sheryl crow was the day I began disliking him..
    I think it was his team that helped him win, maybe he used drugs, honestly if your are an elite athlete often due to injury whatever due to pressures you can often end up taking something tha enhanced you whether it be your muscle growth or something for a injury.

    I reckon in the beginning he was honest and did the hard yards but in the end he had a reputation to keep up sponsorship pressures ect.

    At the end of the day he still had his glory taking his metals awards everything he gained away won't justify anything, if he did use drugs inside he would have to be ashamed who wouldn't be? I would be ..

    I only hope this does not put a damper on the Tour Down Under, besides where did Armstong get hold of undetctable drugs in the first place. Problem is he is not the only one, i think it should be manatory for all winners in Atheletics, including the Olympics for all winners to under go a drug test. looking back it was a coincidence that when drug testing came in, the U.S., East Germany, and the Soviet Union did not schieve same amount of medals, it is changing now as new drugs are being developed, as Majorie Jackson said how can you compete against cheats.
    Deleted User

    I know majorie Jackson the lithgow flash, she came from my home town, there is a statue of her in the cook street plaza ..

    Wonder, she was our Governor for a while.
    Deleted User

    She is a really lovely old girl :) pretty much a Lithgow hero..

    Everybody loves Marjorie.
    Deleted User

    I just watched him admit it. What a mongrel.
    Marjorie shat all over people like him :)
    Deleted User

    It is sad for those whom achieve excellence from hard work, because he will be the cause of a lot of innocent hard working athletes under the spot light now..
    What a jerk off


    What in the world do his kids think???  Will they "get it"?  Or will they too fall in Daddy's footsteps of evading the truth and bold lies??? 

    He cheated..all those times!...He won all of the medals..under false pretenses!....He was a role model to so many young aspiring people..he made a lot of money in the process..He lied....Need I go on!....


    Intelligence gathering and application vs public awareness is not necessarily a cynical plot threatening humanity. The suppression of information is more often to enable financial positioning before a buying frenzy.

    I feel sorry for Lance Armstrong for he is only one of many. Bring in manatory drug testing for all winners, for all sports, especially professionals.


    I haven`t seen it yet,(the show),..But why would anyone feel sorry for the guy?

    Millie i guess you could be right, i watched the Oprah interview since , the guy has no remorse at all.

    All I can think to say is.....



    Yup ... yup...

    Yes he's a cheat, but I remember reading a book about cycling a few yreas ago, and it was clear that cyclists had been taking all sorts of drugs for years, even back in 50's .


    Dig deep enough and you’ll find horrific little stories and revelations muddying the waters of our whole history carried forward secretly, in traditions and phrases whose history are sprinkled like stars in the night sky.

    Yes that's true to Robert.

    The microscopic focus on “Lance" is typical of the fault finders who condemn whoever is on top. “Cheater' is the outspoken accusation of school-yard-bullies who failed repetitively in their own eyes whenever anyone excels. The sting of their own failures drives them to find faults that is their own shadow as their image looms large enough to cast a disparaging shadow on Lance. Why should the champion be the target of their outrage? Because no one has to look at their own failures to blame another and thus force a crown of thorns on the head of another to pay for their crimes. Lance is not guilty of doping as much as winning. It takes intelligence to skirt winner-haters with methods that were not accounted for….for all those years!? Lance is just another sacrificial goat on the alter of ego pride.  Let the haters take their own well deserved fall. If Lance was high on drugs while crossing the finish line…then I want some of what he was taking…sure put zip in his step.   


    Nice prose rg, but he's still a CHEAT!

    Yep..rob..I`m with ROMOS on this one!:-Z

    Everyone who proclaims novelty in their process is also a cheat and fraud…finding ways no one had tried before and finding that it worked so surprisingly well like blood-doping and food based component concentrates does not seem to me to appear as a cheat…though guarded in secret by team members, giving them the "unfair advantage” of unshared knowledge. It is no great wonder those methods and concentrates should be proclaimed to be cheating to find them all guilty of cheating under revised rules retroactively applied before it was even known. Che…che…cheating.

    I was neither impressed or amused.

    Awfully disappointing

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