    statistics on school violence in usa

    What are the statistics on (K-12) school shootings in USA?

    0  Views: 385 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Selected Findings: School Year 2009–10 •

    During the 2009–10 school year, the rate of violent incidents2 per 1,000 students was higher in middle schools (40 incidents) than in primary schools or high schools (21 incidents each) (table 1).
    Some 46 percent of schools reported at least one student threat of physical attack without a weapon, compared to 8 percent of schools reported such a threat with a weapon (table 2).
    Some 25 percent of schools reported at least one incident of the distribution, possession, or use of illegal drugs, a higher percentage than that of the distribution, possession, or use of alcohol (14 percent of schools) or prescription drugs (12 percent of schools) (table 3).
    Some 10 percent of city schools reported at least one gang-related crime,3
    a higher percentage than that reported by suburban (5 percent), town (4 percent), or rural schools (2 percent) (table 4).
    A higher percentage of middle schools reported that student bullying occurred at school daily or at least once a week4
    (39 percent) than did high schools or primary schools (20 percent each) (table 5).
    A lower percentage of schools with 50 percent or less White student enrollment reported that cyberbullying among students occurred daily or at least once a week (5 percent) than did schools with higher percentages of White student enrollment (7 to 13 percent) (table 6).
    For students involved in the use or possession of a weapon other than a firearm or explosive device at school, 40 percent of students received out-of-school suspensions lasting 5 or more days, 36 percent of students received other disciplinary actions (e.g., suspensions for less than 5 days, detention, etc.), 19 percent of students received transfers to specialized schools, and 6 percent of students received removals with no continuing services for at least the remainder of the school year (table 7).
    A lower percentage of schools with 1,000 or more students reported that more than 75 percent of students had a parent or guardian who attended regularly scheduled parent-teacher conferences (23 percent) than did schools with lower enrollments (53 to 56 percent) (table 8).
    2Violent incidents include rape, sexual battery other than rape, physical attack or fight with or without a weapon, threat of physical attack with or without a weapon, and robbery with or without a weapon. 3Includes gang-related hate crime. 4 Includes schools for which one of the following two response categories was selected: “daily” or “at least once a week.”

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