    If a boyfriend repeatedly calls you names (ie. the w word and the c word) and is controlling ie. needing to know where you are at all times is that considered abusive.

    +3  Views: 1485 Answers: 19 Posted: 11 years ago

    like Pythonlover answer u absolutely,my ex did that same shi_ 4 the last 5 years we were 2-gether one nite i packed a few bags and left her and every thing else and started over yes u will b lonely 4 awhile but its better then the mental abuse and the pain that u get from him iam sure u can do alot better,atleast u would b better off with out him

    That depends on both your personalities and if one or both are passive agressive. Its nice to have some one that is concerned for your welfare and they try to give you the desision if you can go or not. If your actions and intent to cause him to be jealous or suspecting of something then you are being abusive to him. If your honest and your where you say you are what can he do? Remember all actions cause reactions, study what you do and say.

    19 Answers


    The sooner you lose that jerk the better off you will be Gracie.:)

    Yes, he is abusing you emotionally.

    that type of control, degradation and jealousy is a symptom of a greater mental problem. And experts will tell you that physical abuse and extreme jealousy and mental abuse go hand in hand.

    Get out now!  It is abusive!  Don't stay a moment more in this relationship- it is harmful in ways that can take months or years to heal.  A domestic violence woman's center can help you with getting out of the relationship safely.  If he threatens you do not hesitate to go to the police.  You are worth SO much more than he is capable of giving!  He may say that he loves you but it is a destructive love.


    The police might come in handy. It’s kind of scary to call, but it might be worse to not call. I worked for Womens’ Crisis Center for awhile. Long story.

    Give him the bullet and find a guy who will treat you like you should be treated with  Love and Respect..

    Always remember, LOVE DOESN'T HURT.......

    Yes, of course it is abusive and it will not stop, ever!  Not only will it never stop,  it will get worse!  The jealousy and name calling is the lead in, to physical abuse. Women have died at the hands of those kinds of men.  Get out now!

    Read here......

    No one should tolerate beeing treated that way. Most of the time the mental abuse turns into physicial abuse. You need to get away from him now.

    Yes it is most definitely being abusive the way you are being treated!

    His behavior is abusive and you need to leave him. You need to make sure you have a safe house to go to. You need to make sure you have an understanding counselor. Look up Crisis Counselor’s in your town. He may not be physically abusive, but with a person who acts like he does I wouldn’t be surprised. Be careful. 


    p.s. The most danger in an abusive relationship comes when you leave the guy.

    Move on and the sooner the better. You are living bit of hell on earth, you dont need it. Can you imagin the life you will have in the future, he will get worse, he might even end up killing you.!


    Yes, Dollybird. I agree.

    Do you really need to ask?

    Sounds like familiarity has bred contempt in this 'boyfiend' Gracie and it's time to send this one to walk the plank!! Honey, it's your ship so steer not ever 'get used to' verbal derogatory and demeaning words as these can become mental implants that one may actually heed as truth...which it ain''s abusive horse-pucks is what it ditch this swine yesterday...this is not is becoming a co-dependency (awful place to be) relation-'ship' jump this 'ship' or make him walk the proverbial plank but do not waste one more moment of your brilliance and beauty on a yutz who would dare slight a Goddess such as yourself!!! Peace.

    Will yours be a ship of fools Grace...or a ship of dreams?


    Or Dreams...""

    yes. anyway ya look at it.


    flag him plenty more buses on the rank live have some self respect dont tolerate being treated like that !!!!

    Hopefully you are not tethered to him with children, however, even if so, leave him.  If he is due to support these children, go to court and get that for them. 

    a partner that calls you names and puts you down has no respect for you. Maybe they have issues of their own and take things out on you by doing the name calling but they also need to appreciate you as well and not be so rude and nasty to you.

    well I'm not daddy and the judge dismissed her case!

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