    What was your childhood nightmare?

    Fun question :)

    My childhood nightmare was the creepy dolls. Cause one time my parents got it to my baby cousin, so she forgot it in our house so my mother kept it my room (like a design). That doll was so creepy that I woke up at night and it was facing me. Those creepy eyes and face were just watching me all night. And from that day, every time a see a doll in the shop I remember this creepy thing.

    +3  Views: 729 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    My sister and I used to place all of our stuffed animals in our beds and tuck the sheets and blankets around them as tightly as possible.  Our favorite stuffies were securely placed under our pillows.  We  crawled into our beds underneath the stuffies, sheets and blankets to keep us safe against the 'bad guys with knives'... we never slept on our backs because that was too much like being dead in a coffin.  We were convinced our house was haunted and so we made as much noise as we could possibly make while climbing the stairs so that the ghosts had plenty of time to exit the room before we arrived and we never ever went into our basement because down there was the doorway to hell.  We also didn't look into a mirror for very long as if you stared in the mirror for too long you would see the devil.  We did not want to see the devil. 

    As we got older my sister and I began reading Stephen King.  We had to store the book or books underneath the beds so that we would remain safe... as we read more horror books we stored the books in the freezer.

    Neither one of us had to fall asleep to have a nightmare... we made them up when we were awake.


    That is some scary fashizzle Fishygirl!! Scah-hairy fashizzle!!

    I dreamt I was stuck in the underworld and Alice in Wonderland was there and she couldn't hear me and the place was all made of cold stone....that stupid rabbit kept running through and there were tunnels with the sounds of moaning and screams of agony...I screamed myself awake...and my sisters..and brothers...and worst of all..mother. She said I was only having a nightmare...but I know better..


    I've only had one nightmare in my life and I was a child. Long story short, it ended with bombs falling in a red, black and white world with babies crying, mommies screaming. The sky was almost solid with planes dropping bombs and when they hit, blood would splash up.  I was 5 when I had this dream and never had a bad dream since......


    jh, maybe the dream was profectic.

    I used to dream the same dream that I still have now..........that someone is trying to kill me or harm me.

    ngresz- - -you prob watched that Chuckie movie too much and it's successors.


    Use the add new answer box one time only. Everything else that you think of that you want to say can be posted to the blue area at the top of the page or click edit this answer and add it to your first answer. I've combined your two answers to this one answer.

    Chuckie?! I didn't even saw that movie till now

    Not being able to access


    Now, that is traumatic. Poor poor Clonge.

    Oh there were a couple- I had a very clever and "mean" older sister LOL...she had me going several times!

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