    Should government money be used to help bail out people in a natural disaster....

    0  Views: 705 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago
    Headless Man

    If anyone had read the link above link they would have seen how the government fills any bill with Pork Barrel Projects that have nothing to do with the need of the people at the time and wast our money, thats way we are at the edge of the cliff and on our why over, people need to take care of people and the government stop wasting our money.
    Help OK but no adding Pork Barrel Projects.....

    7 Answers

    Yes, that's what the government is for and who we turn to. I'd like to think my tax dollars are aiding those who need my help. I don't trust charities......

    YES . they should have a disaster funds ready for helping people in need "floods earthquakes so on. 

    Yes I think we should be able to feel that in a emergency, the state will help us, and that the tax we pay will help others who need it.

    Randy,  Any significant help, or "bailout" as you call it, will either come from government, God or no one.

    I haven't witnessed too many heroic rescue efforts from the Almighty of late and option 3 is not very "Christian-like", is it ?

    I guess that leaves us with the socialist alternative, my comrade friend: Option 1.

    If you are talking about the people that are told to evacuate and don't,  I'm up in the air about that.. If you stay just to protect your personal property or party through it then you do so at your expense, If you get caught or can't get out for some reason or other  then your gonna need a little help..

    Of course, I don't think there is a government in the entire world that doesn't come to the rescue of its people at the time of any disaster. This is exactly what is considered a core government function, it's virtually universal.

    No. The government is not responsible for bailing people out who under-insure or who carry no insurance. Why should I have to pay for your deciions.

    Headless Man

    I think you need to run for office......

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