    What is your most favorite Christmas memory?

    +1  Views: 766 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    In retrospect it had to be Christmases with my whole family present.  People have passed now and us kids (what's left) have spread out.......

    Christmas's 40 years ago , someone playing the piano, and every one singing, then after a few more drinks ,a real old fashioned knees up.

    My most favorite and memorable Christmas ever was the year I had no money and all presents were having to be handmade.  :)   I had 4 children at the time and it's funny, they are all grown with children of their own and we all still talk about our happiest Christmas.  :)   That particular year I couldn't get a tree, so we took an old  umbrella frame and decorated it with enough lights and garland it really did look like a tree.  And we set the (tree) on a small table and put all the gifts on the table under the tree.  We got on our knees and took pics from that angle and it made the tree look like a big tree.  :)   All of my children still talk about our special Christmas tree.  :)

    Christmas in Jamica at age 21 WOWSER...!!!   Truelly a time I'll never forget !!

    My family didn’t have much money the year I was seven. I went through drawers and wrapped up socks, Mom’s silky nightgown, a box of Hershey’s chocolate, some yarn, a few magazines, an unused sugar bowl. I wrapped all these items in navy blue paper and stuck silver stars on the package. It looked like night sky. I tied red ribbon around everything.

    I loved it when my parents told people about their special gifts. I sure didn’t feel poor. There were other Christmases when we didn’t have much money but it wasn’t so much fun wrapping stuff like that up when I got older.

    All the ones involving my kids. 

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