    what is the best way to get rid of belly fat?

    i exercise all the time, and have toned up all the areas i want except my extra belly fat. it just won't come off. what is the best way to get rid of it?

    +5  Views: 849 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    10 Answers

    A simple way to start.....remove all "white" from your diet.....white sugar, white bread, white rice, white pasta....increase fruits, vegetables and water intake.  Walk everyday.

    Note:  Do not replace white sugar with brown sugar. It is only white sugar with more processing.


    NO Mention of "White DUCK Yum Yum !!

    Ducks are yellow but should also be removed from your diet!!!

    Ive don this before after each pregnancy (3) and it worked, but now older and menopause, its becomming difficult to do b/c of i need an appettite suppressant, just stop feeling hungry!!!...i do work out, run 3 miles everyday!

    I tried this. I have the list on my fridge.

    First stop eating too much, then do excercises, lay on your back , keep your legs straight put you hands behind your headt and pull yourself up using your stomach muscles, that will help if you do it enough.good luck.

    The right diet and exercise. Aerobic exercise can help.

    Male or female?

    Read here.....

    Or here.....

    Pushing away from the table after a reasonable meal, with no seconds.  Also, no buying of junk food.  Some exercise suited to your health would be a good idea too!

    Diet and exercise. That's all there is to it. How old are you? Belly fat comes with age. Tone the rest of your body and you belly will eventually follow...........

    Dr. Oz said to take calcium and magnesium together. Altho' I don't have much faith in that. I still think you have to walk 30 min per day and work out some of the day too. I have stubborn belly fat too. I was skinny till I had my hysterectomy at  57.



    Lipo is kind of drastic.

    No kidding........

    Jillian Micheal's Shred works very well.


    And, the level one workout is only 25 minutes long.  I see a huge difference in one short week.

    Eat less. Exercise more. Easy to remember. Also, I think many women want to be thin like models they see in magazines. I’ve asked the men in my life and they’ve all said they want their women to have women’s bodies. They don’t like to feel bones. Really, womenl

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