    What are your thoughts on, Aussie DJs at 2DayFM, who made the prank phone call, pretending to be the Queen and Prince Charles

    which ended in death of a devoted nurse at hospital in London.

    +3  Views: 813 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    5 Answers

    I dont think they ment any real harm,it just missfired very badly,and feel for the nurses husband and family,And the police should have been on standby ,for such as a hoax,was always possible in the situation ,


    I'm an Aussie & I'm sorry hec but I just can't stick up for them.They are now in hiding....being protected! Like all practical jokers they should have thought it thru.It was an expensive laugh.Apart from the suicide,why embarrass Wills & kate? I'm no monarchist but they seem like nice people.

    Is it official she ended her life over the prank? I have to wonder how stable she was to kill herself because she got embarrassed. Was the prank childish? Yes but that's what pranks are. The hospital may want to rethink who they use to look after big names. 


    My thoughts exactly.Surely there was something else going on in that poor girls life to prompt her into suicide.

    I agree with Colleen, the poor nurse must have had some issue which made her do this, she only made a mistake of judgement by giving them any information.  She was from India, and maybe it was a cultural thing for her to act so, over embarrassment, which most others would not have.  I do feel badly for her family, and her, as if she thought this was the necessary solution.  It was so tragic..  


    I would tend to think that this was the last straw in a chain of events that led to her suicide.I know a lot of Indian folks & believe me they are hard to embarrass.

    I did not know any first generation who I could take direct information of.

    This poor lady reportedly just took the call..ano nurse actually gave out the information..It just sickens me that whatever the o possible underlying circumstances..a life was lost and these presenters went too far imho..O.K. so no one knew that what they did may result in such devastating consequences..but they were still guilty of obtaining and airing confidential medical information which they thought was a fun thing to do at the time..I don`t care whether it was Kate,The Queen of Sheba..or Joe Blogs..they still breached confidentiality at the expense of other people...No doubt this lady had other issues..but it sounds like this was what tipped her over the edge..The job of a radio presenter carries responsibilities..My thoughts are with her family..including her two teenage kids..People need to take responsibilities for the fall out that may,and in this case did occur!

    I agree Millie...

    Colleen was right in this case,

    It was just revealed that she had attempted suicide before.


    Yes i see that Clonge in the news,but still very sad for her family,

    Pranks backfire more often when the prank is aimed at those who are savvy and able to take some form of revenge. The nurse comiting suicide was initially, directly, linked to the prank, which is compellingly against those who would use a of prank on Royalty. Out-pranking the prankster is how many people address such matters. The chance co-insidence of a suicidally inclined nurse being on the administrative staff at a prestigious hospital in the given circumstance are beyond probability. 


    robertgrist, Thank you for your reply. I agree with you.

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