    I'M SICK!

    Been having a dry cough for a week, and it's finally "breaking up".  I'm blowing my nose every five minutes and sneezing loud enough to knock over the dog. 
    What do YOU do for a cold?   

    +13  Views: 2128 Answers: 25 Posted: 11 years ago

    25 Answers

    If you don't do anything for it,  it'll be 7 days. If you try to treat it, you'll have it for a week.   ( wink )



    Hi Bob....Colds are awful but I rarely get one....keep warm, rest, drink plenty of liquids. It'll be over soon!       :)


    Hi Ducky...sure wish there were a miracle cure! This thing heckled me for one full week, then exploded last night. I'm curled up on the couch with my hot water right now. Lots of tissue, too. :( And akaQA :)

    Ged well sood! :)

    seriously, PKB, It sounds like a version of the flu. My hair colorist was just telling me about how the flu can be strictly respiratory, and not neccessarily vomiting.

    Sorry to hear you're ill Bob. I've been under the weather also. I have the same symptoms as you. But mines will get better then come back. Like now my throat is dry and scratchy. What I do for a cold is :

    1. Eat homemade chicken noodle soup

    2. Drink plenty of orange juice

    3. I tried over the counter medicines and it didn't help. The only medicine that helps me with coughs and congestions is Father John mixed with Cod Liver Oil.

    4. My cold keeps coming back because the kids in the house keep giving it back to me. Try to stay away from people with colds. 

    Last  month I went to the hospital for a minor out patient procedure. That night I had the worst cold ever. I wonder if I picked up a virus from there?


    I hope you get well soon too Chelleanne!xx

    Bummer, Chelleanne. Mine had to have come from the people who are bombarding my workplace to pay their property taxes. One gal came in coughing worse than my mom when her congestive heart failure was in full swing. Never covered her mouth once. I wanted a gas mask. One woman came in with one of those disposable mouth/nose masks. I may get some of those. Looks odd, but pretty smart. Hope you are ALL better soon.

    take Nyquil, beer, and Vit.C. I did that once when I was young, and it worked for me.But, I wouldn't really reccomend it.

    Sorry to hear you are crook, plenty of vitamin c will help a lot and Dimflam Lozengers if you can get them, get well soon MsBOB.

    Me I have had one for about 7 to 10 days use that mucus breakup stuff at my sisters everyone come with down with it take some vitamin c pills


    I think Benadryl might dry up the runny nose?

    Even mono is going around now.....even with adults. My good friend, Ron , has mono and he's 55.

    I'm soooo sorry you are sick. Stay away from your mom. Keep your hands washed, drink whiskey and sleep. If your nose gets conjested, rub your index finger against your thumb-acupressure-will make your sinuses drain. Keep warm, drink juice and lots of water. Keep "thinking" it away. You're in my prayers......


    It stinks knowing I can't visit with my mom, Andy and his family this weekend. Missing a bowling tournament this afternoon, too, not to mention Christmas shopping. :(

    Life can just stink sometimes. More the reason for you to get well. Pamper yourself now because you won't have time once you're back on your feet! Drink even MORE water!

    Julie: How long to you rub your finger against your thumb?

    Just a few minutes. Pretend there is an ink covered BB between them and you want ink all over both fingers. Do it as long as it takes to get your sinuses to running.....

    jh, also, they say if you pinch the little webbed area between your thumb and index finger, it's supposed to unclog your nose and help with sinus headache.

    I've heard of that one, too....

    The "bug" that is around our area is dreadful this season.  It lays you up for a good two weeks.  My wife has been sick since Thanksgiving day.  Congestion, and drained, she hasn't felt this bad from a cold for eons!  It has gone through the family, and seems to make rounds for repeats of us..  Trying to get rest at this time of year is tough, with all going on this holiday season.  My wife insists on being the "super mom" and that is her biggest problem!  If she takes a nap, I never wake her when she asks me to, as she really needs rest.  Fluids and Rest, and slow down, thats what I tell her!


    Keep those hands clean, B, and cover mouths when coughing and sneezing. Hope she gets back on her feet soon.

    And you as well, Bob! Feel better...

    Thanks. B; at least I can muddle around the decorating today.

    The only non-prescription medication that works for me in NyQuil. If you don't need to leave the house for work, stick with the night time version only.


    Is there a prescription medicine that helps you, Digger?

    I'll get some. Thanks!

    Itsmee, Yes,there is but I can't recall its long name. It works wonders for the cough.

    Don Cherry has told you what to use, digger. Cold FX!

    lol itsmee!:-)

    @millie What's funny?

    Nothing Digger..just how the answer sounded!:-)

    There is probably a cough syrup you can use to treat your cough. From my point of view: I haven't got cold in the last 6 years. Maybe it is because I run regularly 2-3 times a week. I advise you to exercise when you get better. It works for me.
    I hope you'll get better soon!



    She does..she`s always at the gym..?Aren`t you Bob..
    Get Well soon dear Bob...Wrap up warm,drink loads of fluids..(And I don`t mean Alcohol!;-)..Though a Brandy /"Hot Toddy" is supposed to help...Hot honey and lemon drinks..Paracetamol..(So long as you are not allergic to it..and no more than 8x 500 mgs in 24 hours..and check that no other meds you may be taking contains paracetamol)!..Stay indoors..ignore the phone and door bell!..Wallow and self-indulge!:-)(for once)!...Oh and I find lots and lots of chocolate helps me!...Just GET WELL SOON!:-) XXXMillie...Oh and look after the poor dog!lol...sounds like s/he`s not having a great time either!;-)xx

    Thanks, Michael. I actually haven't been working out for months (millieIII, I was in great shape a year ago) until this past week, and I DO feel better. This gigantic exercise thing in my living room needs to be set up properly. Calling my cousin today.

    What? You run when it's hot and you run when it's cold? Kudos!

    Bob..Oh..I dream of running and visiting my for Christmas shopping..All on line this year!..(You think I`m going to let my kids run riot with my credit cards)?!...No way!lol xxx..Hope you are a bit better today!XXMillie xx

    Did some yard work this morning, out of necessity. Bundled up again. Sniffle sniffle

    "Tis the season"...plenty of fluids and rest......Soon enough you'll be back to yourself...


    Out wid dhe germy fluids, in wid dhe honey and tea. Tanks, Darren (sneeze, cough)

    Tough it out Bob.Next week it will be all over.(Hopefully). Get some rest.


    It just irks me to be down for the weekend.

    "WELL. Don`t "blame me Bob ( cough splutter ) "OH I suppose "germs can travel ! Get on your feet soon wish you a speedy recovery "Sneeze " "O sorry about that get well soon girl


    Maybe she caught it from you, Dowse? ;)

    It’s a bit late to be concerned about prevention so maybe this will help next time...

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    By all means get one of those mouth and nose masks. I suggested that my doctor give them out to anyone who was coughing. She is doing it.

    Take good care so it doesn’t get worse. 

    Well i guess it is that time of year for you people.We have just started our summer in Australia.Our past winter here was terrible with flu, colds, viruses and a lot of people were admitted to hospitals with Pneumonia.As long as there is no infection, there isn't much you can do. Take paracetemol , keep warm, bed rest, plenty of fluids.Have you tried Echinacea ? Available from the pharmacy, they help eliviate the symptoms.Hope you feel better soon.


    Pretty sure I wouldn't have gotten sick if I wasn't working where I am. EVERYBODY comes in here, and the one hacking all over the place brought it to me.

    I had one recently but I was the 3rd of our gang to get it so I started zinc lozenges & that helped.  If I had a hot toddy with tea in the evening I slept better and didn't wake up horse.  But, I did spend a few nights coughing my self to sleep.  I sneezed alot too.  Cough drops & ibuprofen help too.  I'm not a huge water drinker but I did try to keep hydrated.  PLEASE GET WELL SOON!!!!

    Chicken soup, a/k/a "Jewish penicillin". Spicy food helps me too.Hope you feel better!

    I get one a year...usually end of October-

    the beginning of November, then I'm good

    for the rest of the winter. I just mainly ignore 

    it because there's not much you can do. 

    The minute I waste money on a bottle of

    cough syrup, it goes away and then the bottle

    expires for the next session. 


    I caught a cold about 2 months ago, it won't go away-- I'm passed the worst of it but my voice is still gravely


    I can hear it...annoying.

    That could be some kind of allergy, Vinny.

    gravely ?

    Gravely -- means raspy voice. Gurgling sound, need to clear my throat a lot. It's getting better though.

    Here, let me help.... gravelly. :)

    Only Daffy Duck and Donald talk. How do you account for this??

    Like this....QQqwwwaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!

    Sweat it out via a hot bath followed by wrapping up real good and warm in your blankies and stay hydrated and avoid mucus forming foods like oatmeal, breads, bananas, starchy foods. Feel bettah babe!  ;)


    I HAD to get out to the back yard this morning and get the dog poo cleaned up. Then I got to pruning the pomegranate tree and raking the leaves, then moving some flower pots around, and dumping the tomato plants (I am the only one whose tomato plants set fruit in December). Now I am toasty warm with my toast and coffee, cat on my lap and dog at my feet. Hard to beat that!
    lindilou got that right girl!!
    Better! :)

    I hope you can control you sneezing,on the bowling lane,{its not the done thing,}Bob,


    I am letting them go with gusto here at home. Hope today I can get something done.

    i will get some medicines to get well soon


    Fuilds and rest. Get better soon!

    Hope you are feeling better today, Bob.,gargle with salt water and eat chicken noodle soup 

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