    do u guys think christmas is fun or boring?

    +4  Views: 921 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    9 Answers

    I enjoy decorating and seeing others' decorations, baking and making holiday craft stuff.  I love shopping and making gifts. I like to have some gifts under the tree, visit family and friends.  Most of all, I like to remember the very first Christmas, and the very best gift of all. 

    I try to enjoy the Holidays without making too much of them (way too much DRAMA when I was growing up).  I am Christian so I do enjoy celebrating the Birth of my savior.

    More fun for the youngsters, than the adults.  The holiday has become so commercial that it takes the emphasis away.  Even if you are not religious, it is a good season of giving. 

    It's fun if I get presents and not fun if I don't.       :(


    I shall send a bucket of minnows!!!

    Thank you so much. :)

    Of course!!! Doo loves Duck(y)

    'Twas a Night before a Non-Denominational Winter Holiday

    ‘Twas the night before a non-denominational winter holiday,
    and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

    The neutral gift sacks were hung by the chimney with care
    in hopes that a non-specific holiday figure would be soon be there.

    Children of every race, creed, and nationality were nestled snug in their beds,
    while visions of sugar-free plums danced in their heads.

    When out on the lawn there rose such a clatter, I got out of bed to see what was the matter
    (and to find out who was violating the neighborhood sound level ordinance).

    But what to my wondering eyes did appear?
    But an emissions-free vehicle, and eigth size-challenged reindeer.

    Holiday Figure was so lively and quick. I knew in a moment it must be…Holiday Figure.

    He had a broad but normal face, and an advanced- sized belly, and he laughed: “Lady of Evening! Lady of the Evening! Lady of the Evening!”

    Now can you believe that?!? What in the world? You can’t even say “Ho! Ho! Ho!” anymore?! What kind of commie crap is this? I don’t care who you are! His name is Santy Claus, and he cracks deer with a horsewhip, breaks into people’s houses, drinks rum and eggnog, and looks like Uncle Jessie from “The Dukes of Hazard” End of story!

    -Larry the Cable Guy


    Sounds like the Gov. of RI, who is in the news on this issue. He got a donation from the Christmas Tree Growers Assn. last year, for the state house. He refused to call it a Christmas tree, they were upset, "we grow Christmas trees, not Holiday trees". This year they didn't donate one. One appeared, and the Gov. did a tree lighting with no press, or gathering, as he didn't want to be booed over it. That's why his nickname is Gov. Gump!!

    @ Digger- I love it! @ bustione- what next!

    Doo, How did your day in court go today?

    I was on the stand for just about 4 hrs divorce yet & this judge can take up to 6 mos to make a decision...OY...Thx for the support and the laughs!!

    Larry the cable guy is such a cynic


    I hate Christmas. Bah! Humbug!


    LOL! :D (((hugs) I love Alistair Sim.

    Ebenezer Scrooge in Dicken's 'A Christmas Carol'.

    What would one expect from an Atheist ? ;-)

    digger, what has Christmas to do with Jesus' birth? It is an ancient pagan celebration of the end of the year which was hi-jacked by Christians. Even the holy Pope does not think Jesus was born at Christmas.

    Well, he wasn't...that date was picked.

    Supposedly he was born in the spring.

    Oh come on,nom. Bethlehem? Manger? A donkey? Look it up. It's a historical FACT !

    Jesus-yes, Bethlehem- probably, mangers and donkeys, possibly, but 25 December- totally not. 25 Dec is the Roman feast of Saturnalia when excessive consumption of food and drink occured and people decorated their houses with greenery- sound familiar?

    Familiar ? A bunch of loud Italians having a party with plenty of food and booze in late December ? Nom, you have no idea how familiar that sounds to me.;-)

    nom, Mr. Grinch



    What does "ikr" mean?

    Dardaigh, it means, " I know, right? "

    Thanks, MCM. :)

    It's not fun for me, b/c I don't have any family . My step-daugher would have me over, but she lives in another state. I'm not doing anything on this Christmas day, But, I do try to think of the real meaning of christmas, and keep that joy in my heart.


    That's pretty sad mycatsmom.
    It's a pity you live 12 Thousand miles away.You would be welcome at our house.We have so many people here on Christmas day one more would make no difference.

    We`ll I`m sure loads of us will be around on Christmas don`t feel alone!..My grandma used to say of Christmas..Half the people wish they had family at Christmas..and the other half who did..began to wish they didn`t by noon!;-0..I think it`s great that you are celebrating the meaning of Christmas..I just hope that you eat drink and be merry..and indulge yourself!Merry Christmas to you MCM XxxMillie

    For me Christmas has never been the same since Santa stopped calling. It is really a special time for children.I dont look forward to it this year, mainly because Im now a Diabetic, and will miss out on the goodies, that I love. Even so, I will be at Mass to celebrate, and hope my husband will do most  of the cooking, even though he is not Christan.

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