    if im due july 1st, when would i have gotten pregnant?

    0  Views: 838 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    Doctors start counting pregnancy from the first day of your last period, so at conception you're considered 2 weeks along.

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    country bumpkin

    I was born on July, 1st.July is a great month to have a Birthday.

    i had sex with a one night stand while me and my boyfriend were broken up on sep 4. i had a period for only about 3 days on sep 30th. i found out i was pregnant nov 25, where my nurse said i was about 9wks and a day. im trying to figure out if i could have gotten pregnant from that one night stand or if its my boyfriends baby. i had seen online that if you have a due date of july 1st you probably got pregant around oct 11th, give or take. im very confused, and need help!
    country bumpkin

    Tell your doctor what happened. He can help you to figure out who the father most likely is.
    This conception calculator says, October 5 to October 15 would have been the date of conception if you are due on July, 1st.

    Baby takes about 40 weeks, and there are 52 in a year.  Count ahead 12 weeks from your due date and you have a basic idea of when (12 weeks @ 7 days = 84 days.....mid September)


    Ut-oh it's 40 ^/- 2 weeks.....can you say DNA test??? I can!

    None of my babies took that long, but I certainly stand corrected. Thank you Doc!

    ok. i appreciate your help! thank you very much! God bless

    country bumpkin

    I hope everything works out for you. July is still a great month to have a baby. Take care of yourself and that sweet baby! (*~*)

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