    What was your WORST job that you ever had?

    Mine was unloading freight cars of produce which had been iced down with crushed ice, in late fall.  You would lift the wood veg. crates, and in minutes you were soaked with ice water and chilled as much as the broccoli! 

    +8  Views: 1249 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    Sounds horrendous.

    8 Answers

    I was a bartender at a Red Lobster and the people I worked with took all the fun out of the job.....


    country bumpkin

    Now I want a LobsterRita!!!

    At my last job they were OK, I was there for 24 years!

    I worked at a call center.  I was so good at it (yuk) that I was promoted to supervisor. The really awful part of it, was seeing telemarketers, desperate for work (14% unemployment rate at the time), supporting a family, unable to quit, actually break down in tears due to abuse on the phones.  How do you tell an employee that it's just part of the job?  And by the way, you cannot be rude in return. I could never understand, still can't, why people have to be so vile instead of just hanging up. I guess it feels good to be abusive to a stranger on the telelphone?          :(


    I always am courteous and say no thank you, I do this for two times, on the third, I do hang up..

    Perfect. They are trained to take a minimum of 3 tries. Most don't even mind if you hang up right away. A telemarketer gives the same "speech" approximately 300 times daily...imagine the boredom? :(

    Ducky, thanks for the insight, maybe best to politely say no thanks and hang up directly.

    Yes, and don't worry, they'll throw you back into the system (all automated) and try again. :)

    Well in that case, any sense to reminding them of the Do Not Call List, or is it a waste of time?

    See my note to zorro. :(

    I’m always polite because I’ve heard that prisoners sometimes have this job. I don’t want them to get out and GET me.

    I worked at this job myself. I tried to sell a beauty course. I did well but it sure wasn’t a satisfactory job. I lasted two months and broke a record for length at that company.

    P.S. Just lately I’ve been having a lot of solicitations. When I say “No thanks” They get all surely and bang the phone down. ARGHHH!

    Occasionally someone calling will be obnoxious to me, Ducky. It's a different world. For me, the "problem" is being called during the "dinner hour" or the evening time when I am preoccupied with a project or book.

    Oh yes Bob. I've worked with/supervised a few obnoxious ones. It's no excuse, I know, but they hate their jobs and get sick of being abused. When there is no other work available, they are stuck and frustrated. As far as the "time" of the calls, most call centers operate from 9am-9pm so, though it seems like it, people do not just get called at supper time and anyway, aren't telemarketing calls ALWAYS an interruption? :) Don't get me wrong...I am in NO WAY defending call centers. I hated working there was strictly desperation.

    P.S. When I receive a telemarketing call now, (after experiencing that job) even though I will NEVER buy over the phone, I let them know if I think they are good at their job. It's the only compliment that they will receive in a month! :(

    I'll remember to be courteous, Ducky. There's no point in being rude to someone doing a job. I usually tell the caller I'm not interested and say good-bye.

    You"ll like this one- 3 hours ago someone called me to ask for $ all I said was that I was unemployed and they hung up on me!!!

    doo...if they were being monitored as they often are, they would be reprimanded for doing that. At least half of them, couldn't care less anyway. The irresponsible ones (who don't pay their rent) WANT to be fired.

    Would you lend it to her if you were in a bar?

    Maybe not????????????????

    No don...just buy me a drink

    Not feeling too good so a hot toddy (with tea) would be great!

    Someone needs to win a big cash prize and get us all together for a fun weekend. I promise that if/when I win, that will happen.

    @Bob- had I won the 575 mil powerball we'd all be heading to a party destination tomorrow- but and alas I didn't win
    detasseling corn

    Not very exciting huh?

    Worked three days to earn enough money to buy a cb radio back in the 1970s.

    Interesting job. Not many people have had that pleasure.

    Bathing shaving my "Father-in-law when Alzeimer`s took hold , watching a proud man good natured just looking like a "Zombie ,knew my name we talk "only about the past mind very sharp to detail his School teacher`s name colour of uniform  house he was born in Then he would break down asking were his Mum was "That put a lump in my throat .I would say my "worst moment or "JOB I ever had .


    You should be very proud of yourself. I’m sorry you had to do that. I’m sorry that he had that terrible disease.,

    We have an elder with the beginnings right now, she had to be placed in a nursing home, as after 2 yrs. we could no longer physically or medically meet her needs. I understand what you have been through, and the disease is dreadful...

    dishwaher i hate it


    Yeah, this is the job intended to make you continue with your education! At least in the movies!!


       This is "almost" to embarrassing to talk about, but my worst job was my first job as a hotel maid.  I had moved to Orlando, Florida and got hired on at a Budget Inn.  During my first day I was sent to a room where the bedspread was a little amiss with a wet  wadded up wash cloth on the bedside table.  I was told at this time to just straighten the bedspread and replace the wash cloth because this room had been rented by the hour. (You know what I mean)

       I wanted to quit my job right then and there, but I REALLY needed the money so I stayed until about two weeks later when I was asked to clean the restaurant/lobby bathrooms at which this time was unaware  that the plumbing had backed up and there was sewage seeping up through the floor.  I had never dealt with anything like this before so I went to one of my supervisors who was eating breakfast in the  restaurant/lobby  to ask her if she would come and help me. She saturated the deck mop with urine and feces overflow and then rinsed it out in the bathroom sink with her bare hands (NO SOAP) and then she handed the mop back to me and went back to her seat and resumed eating her breakfast.  I was so appalled and disgusted that I wanted to puke.  I quit my job immediately.

       I found another job at a reputable hotel a couple weeks later which catered to Disney and Universal Studio  vacationers, it was a great place to work  and it remains to be one of my favorites still today.

    I am on do not call list. The ones that call I tell them again don't ever call again. They don't listen. When they call again , I will own them. Especially the one calling with a foreign accent.

    and thank you for your service...

    "Do not call" lists, don't work! Call centers will call anyway, and risk a fine. The only way that they are stopped, is if there are enough complaints from people who have enough information...person's name, telephone no., time/date of call, purpose of call, etc. The largest majority of people, do not complain to the right source, which is NOT the is the "Do Not Call List", the same place where you signed up in the first place. Good Luck!

    Once I had loved a girl and she went away with another boy by deceiving me. This was my worst job in my life by falling in love with a girl.

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