    there are four grandparents and 4 grandchildren, and each holiday one set of grandparents get to get the kids, and the other 2 grandparents has to go to their house to vist them, but she would like for them to come to her house, but to much drama, any advice

    0  Views: 785 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    8 Answers

    Just announce that you're staying home and celebrating the season, that they are more than welcomed to join you in your joy. You are willing to share, They should take that into heart......

    It's probably too late this year to do anything about it.

    But let them know that next year they are more than

    welcome at the other grandparents house, where

    the grandchildren will be celebrating Christmas.


    tried that and was told that if i wanted to spend time with them that I was going to have to go to their house, dont want babies to feel like their being dragged in this mess, so i sacrifice my feelings for the sake of the children

    That is totally unfair to you.
    You should speak with the most
    "sympathetic" member of the family
    and explain that every other year
    is the most equitable solution.
    Good luck.

    I am a single grandma and it is very disheartening to see the grandchildren spending all their time at the ex-husband's and new wife or the other grandparents (married 30 years +).  I agree with Julie......why don't the PARENTS host the holiday and invite all the grandparents to their house.  If someone has a problem with THAT, too bad.  Children aren't supposed to be farmed out every holiday. 

    If I read your question correctly Every other year you get the grandkids-  So I guess you want them every year? Maybe a solution is on Christmas eve -the kids go to one set of grandparents house and Christmas day the other set of grandparents house. Or have I misunderstood the whole deal??


    that's what I said too....alternate.

    take the grandkids to one set of grandparents on Christmas Eve and to the other set of grandparents on Chirstmas Day, And alternate next year. Or , take the kids to one set of grandparents for Christmas Day dinner, adn later in the day to the other set of grandparents for desert; and the next year, do vice versa.

    Honestly? I would say respect the wishes of the parents...

    they should let them. just to try it out.

     you are right


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