    How would you change the world if you could??

    +3  Views: 806 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    10 Answers

         "Can't we all just get along".    That's what I would make happen,no more wars and killings on our streets,nobody goes hungry,and everyone finds their soulmate.....


    Hi Rick ! How are you doing ?

    That's what Jesus tried to teach us.

    Everyone would be tolerant of all of us.  We would learn to share the earth and all its prizes. Greed would be obsolete.

    I would eliminate disease that's all I would change, and I would bring bak the barter system. I have some nice dirt I could swap for a box of nails ..

    Hunger. Hunger would be taken care of. All the fat wealthy would diet and their leftovers would feed the needy......


    and I would put all the homeless in Detroit, into the many abandon houses....thereby resolving two major social issues all at the same time .

    Good idea but, I was homeless for two years and liked Austin too much to move to Detroit....

    Probably getting the air and waters clean, bringing back some of the extinct birds, fishes, and animals would be nice.  I'd like to have less tar and asphalt and more grass and dirt.  Take everything down several notches.  Get back to "simpler" lifestyles, where family and friends were priorities.  Honestly, scale back on the instant and invasive communication and surveillance (yeah, no cell phones, computers, pagers, Facebook, Twitter).  

    I would make all the heads of state, and local governments, ------women.......b/c men are too prone toward war, violence, and aggression

    I would keep a tight leash on all politicians and get rid of them if they screwed up, just like a company would! 

    Get rid of religion & politicians.There are too many power hungry despots in both fields.Start all over again from scratch.Impossible & ridiculous? I know but we couldn't stuff it up any worse than it is now. Could we?

    well to change i would um make no tax on things , no one agrues , and stuff like that . 

    …”change the world?” Cost Vs Benefit ... the elimination of our support of special interest  that cannot show benefit as greater than cost. However their will always be exceptions to the accomplishment of Cost Vs Benefit like social programs and medical research.  Another part of Change the world is the greatest good for the greatest number of persons. Given the choice of helping 10,000 people with $1000.00 each or 10 people with $1 million dollars each…I would have to go fore helping 10,000 people. The greater benefit can only be measured in human numbers. 

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