    For all you people who have ever asked why we can not have peace in this world........

    It's because we have country leaders who like to murder people. 

    The Ugandan Parliament is poised to bring back a bill that would sentence lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people to death in the next couple of weeks.  

    The speaker of the Ugandan parliament has promised she will pass the so-called "Kill the Gays" bill in the next two weeks -- she called it a "Christmas gift" for the Ugandan people. The bill would legalize the death penalty for LGBT people and people with HIV or AIDS. 


    +3  Views: 1014 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    and in Iran adn Iraq, they kill gay people too. And in several other muslim countries, too,I'm sure.

    8 Answers

    We have radical leaders here in Christian parties saying this sort of garbage, with this day and age they need to be more accepting of love, rather than threading to kill people for love.

    This is why I believe in the sun, I do not believe any human whom cared as much a Jesus could dislike gay people, I mean he use to associate with prositutes and gay people so he has more in common with us anyway.

    I wish that the church would publish the scriptures written by Jesus instead of this old fashion " hate" religion. To me that's all religion is a free reason to hate another human..

    In some countries they are beheading people because of this. I know next year or Sydney Magdi gras march will be based around this, but we can't change the world alone...

    Jesus never bad-mouthed gay people
    Deleted User

    Jesus had best buddies that were gay ..

    This has actually made me feel ill...when will this be over? When I say "this" I mean the idea that someones',  anyones'  will can be lorded over anothers'  as looks like EVIL has been legalized yet again my friend. It is and always will be atrocious human behaviour. I'm actually ashamed. And feel ill over this.


    When religions get eradicated from the earth. Until then, SOME religious folk (millions of them) who profess to love because they love their god will continue to try and eradicate me and my community.

    My heart, my thoughts, these are with you on this crusade...this kind of evil being perpetuated upon us as people is unacceptable!! Juddi Krishnamurti was so right when he said that if we want anything to become a problem in this world, just give it to a human being and it will become a problem!!

    Thanks Lindi. This crusade should be for all who do not agree with murdering people over their sexuality, something that can not be changed. The link I provided at the bottom of the article is a link where you can sign a petition to help fight this barbaric slaughter of human beings.

    Thanks Colleen...signed up and left a good note. Peace babe.


    lindilou You should not feel ashamed of something you are not directly responsible for but your contribution here is appreciated and a credit to you.


    What the H are you talking about west-bus? She shouldn't be human or have feelings of shame that she is part of a race that would do something as horrid as this? I'm ashamed of the human race too, this make me ashamed to be human. If you can't get that, then you have to be part of the problem.

    To Colleen-
    Less of the insults. I do not take anything back so, in your eyes, I am part of the problem, I can live with that.
    There will be no further comment to you from me so its Over and Out.

    What insult? That you do not rise up and stand against this barbaric action like Lindi has done or that you yourself can not feel shame that human beings in this world would kill just because they believe according to their religion that same sex love is worth killing people over? If you see an insult in what I said, then I suggest you look within yourself to figure out what part of you is insulted. Then fix it.

    westbus, it does cause me great shame, as a mother and a woman on this planet, that this is what kind of 'wave' we might cast into the of evil illogic and unreason? Ashamed and ill...I wish it were otherwise. Tnx for the TU. Peace

    That's outrages, I didn't know that about Uganda, as nomdeplume says we should stop sending financial aid to these countries. 


    There are a lot of countries we need to stop sending aid to. I'll never understand why this government keeps sending money.

    Yes I agree collen, our government in the UK doe's the same while there are people here who need help.

    Colleen, you know my views all too well , but this Ugandan business is way out of line. i'm with you on this one.


    Thank you for this BM. This does mean a lot to me.

    In Jamaica gays have a hard time also apparently, though not so extreme as Uganda. 

    And don't forget friendly Saudi Arabia where gays are beheaded.

    Uganda is not alone in its attitude to gays, in fact most African countries have made life difficult for them and in South Africa 'corrective rape' is often carried out on lesbians. The UK government pays out about £70 million to Uganda and the US also contributes. Fortunately the Prime Minister and several MP's have protested to the Ugandan government which has told them to mind their own business. Foreign aid to countries which do not respect human rights should be stopped.

    What is needed in many African countries is a return to British colonial rule. Many of the old governors of these countries were upper class British gays so would have a more liberal outlook than their African successors.


    13 hours and 54 views later. I'm not surprised by the limited outrage on this. This is why I chuckle when I see people whining that there's no peace on earth. Where are they to try and save human lives?

    Read latest >>>

    Uganda anti-gay bill passes vote, moves forward



    And these people believe that God wants his Souls murdered. These kinds of actions are what will destroy this world. God has to stop the murderous leaders somehow and it seems it will be at the expense of all Souls because no one rises to stop the blood thirsty butchers.

    This make me feel sick, literally..........


    me three Julie girl...pass the bucket please. It did me as well,literally..


    This is a violation of human rights. Uganda did remove the death penalty part,, but everthing still stands. Where is our Government on this? Uganda receives aide from the US.every year. This is disgusting. We need to do everthing to stop this.


    This will never come on the Ugandan statute book because that would bring huge losses of aid. Don't worry.


    Ugandan politicians are slowing the momentum against this bill - by spreading the lie that they've removed the gay death penalty. In a global briefing with All Out yesterday, Ugandan activists Frank and Kasha told journalists around the world that the bill has not changed. They asked that we keep spreading the word to fight the bill.

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