    does anyone believe that there is a God?

    +3  Views: 611 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    5 Answers

    One or many...yes.


    i wish everyone did.

    Me too...the 'God' messages imparted to us are always those of goodwill and harmony with each other!! So, yes, I agree, would that everyone had a complete or better understanding of God(s) Love, perhaps then we could and would live in Universal Peace.

    In most cultures, most people do believe in a God. 


    Many eligious adherents believe in many, e.g, Hindus.

    Are you kidding ? !  Who do you think created and developed the universe and everything in it. Just the human body is fearfully and wonderfully made. You could make a human body, but could you breathe life into it ? No, only God can.


    well said

    well said

    myself i do not care if there is a god no god or many gods. it does not matter if i believe in a god or not . that is a choice god makes. but in accordiance to the bibles of the times there is not just one god . regardless of the bibles teachings the christian cults protray only one god . yet the bible does not uphold that view. in gen it tells one god said let US make man in OUR image. this places other gods at work not just one . the so called one true god being the god that created the heavens and earth and stars also . the christian teaching protrays that god made Adam. and portrays that Adam as being the firs created . yet again the bible does not support that point of view as it depicts Adam was the last man created . and that man went against god . and it was that man god set out to destroy . christian teaching says that god destroyed all life yet the bible does not support that as it tells there were giants in those days and after. so whaer did tohse giants cxome from . those were made by other god. those other gods are pointed out and where there creation of man were at outside of eden. and it was those beings that Cain feared. so when you ask do I beilve in god . i must ask which god. are you refering to the roman christiaqn god Jesuis. are you refering to the bible god. is so which one . are you refering to the god that created the heavens earth sun moon and stars . but in the end i will have to say i belive in all of them . and i see the works of all of them good bad and ugly. there works are through man . and as all know man is the crulest creature on the face of the planit.


    iknow of only 1 God and he is the creator of everything and without him i'm nothing!!!!

    I know there is a God, and a Devil.


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