    do you know celebrities sold their soul for fortune and fame?

    +1  Views: 956 Answers: 11 Posted: 11 years ago

    11 Answers

    Do you know you sound like a  I don't know! DO YOU KNOW?  You are irritating!!!

    So what ???                   You look like your lips are stuck to glass,


    Been female, I dont judge her lips in same way as you do. They are all yours, ha, ha.

    dollybird! tsk. Her lips look just like my daughter’s lips and I can’t wait till the stuff she was injected with goes flat and she looks like someone I know.
    Uh, nice lips loobyx. I don’t know how all this got started. : )

    The pic is Angelina Jollie.

    pythonlover: of course!
    I sold a tshirt for a sandwich once umaaaaaa lol

    Did every one take pictures of the sandwich as you made your way down the street?

    Deleted User

    Oh yes I was on red partners lol
    Deleted User

    I can't spell lol like on a red path

    You must've just pulled my head out of my outback. Oym gowinda bed.
    Noighty hun.
    Deleted User

    I'm still in lol
    Deleted User

    Lol... They don't in hospital lol
    Deleted User

    Lol , and someone even serves it to them bonus ..
    Deleted User

    I wake p at that time to pee every day lol

    Het -hem...ummm Don how do you know so much about jail food and the fact they serve breakfast in the middle of the night? Too Funny
    Deleted User

    I as pretty impressed maybe an ex screw lol

    LOL...sounds like a funny story ;)

    Selling your soul for riches and fame huh? Hmmmm.........just thinking , just thinking!!!!


    Besides, which is worse, selling your soul for riches and fame or offering unjustified attacks about others success that origionates from envy and spite.

    After Justin Bieber’s clother error when he met the prime minister of Canada, I do believe his career is sailing off... way out to sea.


    I kinda feel sorry for him. The comments would kill his soul if he read them. He’s a kid. I hope he doesn’t read them.


    He looks not bright. There he stands with the prime minister and Justin wears these huge pinstriped farmer pants and under that he wears a huge white tee shirt, One strap of the farmer pants hangs down to his elbow, He wears his hat on backward and it’s about two sizes too big.
    He wears yellow shoes and the most stooooopid look on his pale face.
    (I doubt anyone read my report here. I guess I was really shocked) He’ll lose the love of his12 year old girls. Really.

    Uh-oh. OK, which one's?


    Gee, I always was under the impression it was hard, hard work......

    It wouldn't surprise me.

    Marilyn Manson for one....

    not sure...!!

    Nabam Takam

    only thee knows lol.

    Really?  Have you ever met and really talked to a celebrity?  I have (several of them) & for the most part they are pretty darn normal and nice.  Sure some play to the paparasi- because it is a part of their job (that's a drag- it would get on my last nerve to always have to look good and smile because someone could be taking my picture).  


    doolittle: Where do you live to meet celebrities. I’ve never met one -- Well, I do know a famous nuclear physicist but I don’t think that counts.
    (He’s my brother) He is definitely different from other folks.

    I live near D.C.

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