    how old was moses

    +1  Views: 305 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    Moses was 120 years old when he died, yet his eyesight was clear, and he was as strong as ever.

    That is a question that can not be answered . as ther calander then was not as it is now nor will the one in the future be as it is now. keeping in mind that at one time there were 8 days to a week. the sabbbath was not counted. and at one time it was up to a person to decide when the new year began and that being the harvist season. the calander we use today is bassed on the lunas/solarus count. befor that it was just on solarus and befor that is was just on the lunas. and befor that it was based on seasons . and befor that it was based on what we refer to as the julian . that count went from harvist to harvist for one full year . and seasons change from year to year. the calculation on how old he was in based on the christian count of the luner calander. so agin there is no way to know how old he was .

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