    Have you head that financial experts are predicting high inflation, because Obama was reelected?

    I was speaking to my financial advisers about to adjusting my Benevolent Trusts, to provide more money for my grandchildren.

    I told them I expected that the economy was not going to improve, now the Obama was still in office.

    They told me that they agreed and it will be even worse now that Obamacare is the law of the land.

    They expect INFLATION to INCREASE even greater than in did during the four years of WWII, when it went up an historical 125%

    The primary reason, beside the additional $1,000,000,000 per year for the past four years that Obama has added to the national debt, is the HIDDEN higher TAXES that are added by his healthcare law.

    Taxes will go UP, in adding to NEW taxes some CURRENT taxes will increase over 330%, each of the next THREE years to pay for Obamacare and will adversely hurt large and primarily SMALL business.

    Those costs must be passed on to consumers, even if NOT added to their percentage of profit and that will lead to business failures, changing current full time jobs to PARTTIME jobs, particularly to those companies that face competition from imports.

    I believe Obama will be remembered as the worse President, when history is recorded.

    0  Views: 632 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    Economists generally agree that high rates of inflation and hyperinflation are caused by an excessive growth of the money supply.

    I thought the USA was mega trillions in debt, where will the money to generate high inflation come from?

    If people aren't working you can't TAX them.

    Jack Large

    I guess Obama did not get that Memo.

    Time will tell.
    Jack Large

    I do not intend to wait for "Time"

    I'm protecting my grand children NOW

    It is like believing in God.

    If a believer is wrong, what difference does it make over time.

    BUT if a non-believer is wrong, at the end of time there may be HELL to pay ;-)

    <reply moved to where I believe it belongs>


    Jack Large
    Karma: 56375

    Inflation is the result of devaluation of the Currency.

    FDR's "Lend Lease" Program that was neither a loan nor a lease.

    Giving free stuff to European countries to stop the Nazis helped to devalued the dollar.

    When ask about the inflation and the devaluing of the dollar he said "When one's house is on fire one does not worry about the water bill."

    Of course he was right to help stop Hitler in Europe before we would need to do so at our borders.

    So called "Free" healthcare is not our water bill.

    So the money is coming from where?
    Please explain.
    Jack Large

    Economics 101. The Dollar is being "Monetized," by the Federal Reserve" buying US Bonds, with the extra money in is printing, as has been the case for the past several years.

    One of the reasons Crude Oil is going up in price even when the world economy is bad, is because the Dollar had been declining in value.


    Quantative easing has been proven to ruin economies,bad idea in my opinion.
    Jack Large

    We never seem to learn from History. EVERY TIME tax RATES were reduced, by Presidents Kennedy, Reagan and George Bush, the economy grew.

    The reason is a Dollar is taxed EVERY time one changes hands. The result is more Dollars in circulation the more revenue is received by the US Treasury.

    Obama keeps blaming Bush but the fact is the Treasury took in more tax money during his second to sixth year in office than anytime in history. UP until Dimocrates took control of the Congress in 2006 and went on a spending spree with changes to "Fanny and Freddy" that forced 120% mortgages on the big Banks.

    The last two quarters of 2004 and the last three quarter of 2005, the US Treasury was taking IN MORE than it was putting out!

    The Dimocrates like to demagogue the people who no idea how our government works.

    All spending Bills MUST ordinate in the House and be approved by the Senate to become law

    If there are changes to the spending bill the changes must be approved by the House, via what is known as a "Reconciliation Bill" That is where the two compromise to get the final bill approved

    What has been happening, since the Republicans gained controll of the House in 2010, is the Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, Dimocrat will not bring any of the bills to the floor. As a result the Senate can not create a "a "Reconciliation Bill" on which to vote.

    Farting against thunder sounds a lot easier, stupid system if you ask me.
    Jack Large

    It works great when elected officials do what the founders intended, but not so much when they just want to get votes in the next election, unfortunately

    Obamacare contains 18 new taxes, 10 of which have yet to be implemented.

    Description Year implemented Cost
    2013 – 2022
    Exclusion of unprocessed fuels from the existing cellulosic biofuel producer credit.
    (What this has to do with health care is a mystery) 2010 $15.5 billion
    Increase in corporate taxes by making it more difficult for businesses to engage in business activities that reduce their tax liability. 2010 $5.3 billion
    10% excise tax on indoor tanning services. 2010 $1.5 billion
    End of special deduction of Blue Cross/Blue Shield organizations. 2010 $0.4 billion
    2010 Totals $22.7 billion
    Fee on manufacturers and importers of branded drugs based on each individual company’s share of the total market. 2011 $32.4 billion
    Increased penalty for purchasing disallowed products with HSAs to 20%. 2011 $4.5 billion
    Reduction in the number of medical products taxpayers can purchase using funds they put aside in HSAs and FSAs. 2011 $4.0 billion
    2011 Totals $40.9 billion
    Fee on insured and self-insured health plans to fund PCORI. 2012 $3.8 billion
    2012 Totals $3.8 billion
    Increased hospital insurance (HI) portion of the payroll tax from 2.9% to 3.8:% for couples earning more than $250,000 a year ($200,000 for single filers); increased HI tax applied to investment income for the first time. 2013 $317.7 billion
    2.3% excise tax on manufacturers and importers of certain medical devices. 2013 $29.1 billion
    7.5% adjusted gross income floor on medical expenses deduction raised to 10%. 2013 $18.7 billion
    Elimination of the corporate deduction for prescription expenses for retirees. 2013 $3.1 billion
    Increase in taxes on health insurance companies by limiting the amount of compensation paid to certain employees they can deduct from their taxes. 2013 $0.8 billion
    2013 Totals $369.4 billion
    Penalty paid by employers that do not offer health coverage to their employees. 2014 $106.0 billion
    Annual fee on health insurance providers based on each company’s share of the total market. 2014 $104.7 billion
    Tax on individuals who do not purchase health insurance. 2014 $55.0 billion
    Limit on the amount taxpayers can deposit in flexible spending accounts (FSAs) to $2,500 a year. 2014 $24.0 billion
    2014 Totals $289.7 billion
    40% excise tax on “Cadillac” health insurance plans costing more than $10,200 for individuals and $27.500 for families. 2018 $111.0 billion
    2018 Totals $111.0 billion
    Source: chart derived from the Joint Committee on Taxation and Congressional Budget Office 

    In the past 48 hours, these companies reported layoffs:

    Westinghouse - 200
    Research in Motion Ltd - 3,000
    Lightyear Network Solutions - 15
    Providence Journal - 23
    Hawker Beechcraft - 410
    Boeing 18,159
    CVPH Medical Center - 17
    US Cellular - 980
    Commerzbank - 6,000
    Iberia - 7,000
    Momentive Performance Materials - 150
    Brake Parts - 75
    Gameforge Berlin - 20
    Vestas Wind Systems 1,700
    Husqvarna - 390
    Ericsson - 14,000
    SRA International - 222
    PerkinElmer - 75
    Majestic Star Casino and Hotel - 80
    Center for Hospice NY - 80
    Bristol-Myers - 500
    Lower Bucks Hospital - 500
    Oce North America - 9
    Corning United Blood Services Gulf - 150
    Atlantic Lottery Corporation - 16
    Welch Allyn - 10% of manufacturing work force
    Dana Holding - 12% of work force
    Stryker - approx 5%
    Boston Scientific - Unspecific amount
    Medtronic - 1,000
    Smith & Nephew - 80
    Abbott Labs - 550
    Covidien - 600
    Kinetic Concepts - 300
    St. Jude - 500
    Hill Rom - 200
    Darden Restaurants - 3%
    JANCOA - 350
    Kroger - 30
    ING - 2,350
    Caterpillar - 4,000 (Decatur plant)
    Alcatel-Lucent - 5,000
    Umatilla Chemical 34
    Pepsi - 8,700
    Bank of America 30,000

    All announced layoffs since obama reelection.

    I just spent about an hour researching the numbers people... this is just the BEGINNING.... - Lori Swonder

    Thank you for voting for your social issues... rather than the survival of this country!!!

    Daily Job Cuts:
    More Layoffs and Clossings:
    Federal workers cheer Obama win but want pay unfrozen: — with Martha Snow and Dar Gaudet Gardiner.


    Its a clear indication that this is the decline of our Nation in a big way. All the signs were there, even long before the election.
    We are no longer a free country. Every aspect of our lives will be controlled by a dictator government and we have the people to thank who again voted him into office, People never learn from past mistakes and take the rest of us down too.

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