    i'm 56 yrs and want to become a doctor is it too late?

    i haven't finish college, and will need financial aid

    +1  Views: 501 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago

    7 Answers

    I know a guy who is studying to become a dentist at 56 years old. Not a good idea in my opinion.

    You could become a doctor just in time to heal yourself. Sounds good to me but I bet you do not pay a penny of that loan back.

    nope never too late for being a docter unless your a elder


    Maybe specialise in gerontology?

    I wanted to go to med school in my late 30s and my endocrinologist voted against the idea, said I was too old for the vigor it took.........


    jh, You shouldn't have listened to him, unless you really were sick with some kind of auto imune disorder.

    Are you serious , I'd think of something else if I were you.

    The facts:

    Four years of any kind of university
    Four years of medical school
    Two years of residency
    Then you become an MD, so ten years

    It depends on the school you choose to go to. Including the first 4 years of college/university and then medical school with no scholarships or grants it can range from $150,000 to $250,000 and even $300,000. You better work hard because a lot is at stake. 

    It also depends upon your ability because it might  take you 5 years, if you do not succeed in the 4 year program. (medical school)

    A lot of money and a lot of years.....

    (Wiki and Yahoo)

    no, it's not too late, if you're healthy and energetic. I went to college and graduated when I was over 30, and I was working all through college as an LPN.

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