    Do you know that on Tuesday you can save our country for your children and grand children Vote for Mitt Romney and your states Republican Candidate for US Senate to get us back on track to prosperity.

    It looks like we will be between a BaRock and a hard place for the next four years.

    What we have now, will become the "New Normal,"  fewer jobs, inflation, a ever growing debt.and a decline healthcare system  

    God help our grand children now that the non-producer voters out number the producer voters

    At my age I will probably not see our next President

    I expect I will need to review my Chartable Trusts, to eliminate some and provide more for my great grandchildren.

    God help America, as we become more like Greece and Europe

    +2  Views: 495 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    I totally agree. Will vote what is best for this country!

    Jack, it was all for nothing. Obama for the next for years!What is wrong with the people of this country? Maybe you can help me understand,

    1 Answer

    For what it's worth in "liberal" California, that's what I'm gonna do. 



    Ugh, he still looks like Frankenstein to me. I can't believe people think he's good looking and what's up with his side kick holding one leg up? That's just as girly as holding one's pinky out when drinking tea.

    We haven't had good choices for decades, but 4 more years of "One Big Ass Mistake, America" and his sidekick isn't the lesser of two evils. But, like I said in my answer, "for what it's worth" in California, it's an ineffective vote.

    Good luck girls -- make your vote count! i have been following the campaign now for many months on ' Meet The Press' obviously i can't vote, but looking forward to the outcome.

    Kent, why can't you say stuff without putting jabs or goofy little boy crap into it? Good luck girls/women? Are you really going to start that again? How old are you truly? 11? 13? You know, I heard when boys do stuff like this, they're flirting.

    Bob, California is probably the most liberal state in our country. I too live in a mostly liberal state in the Northeast. Many, many people here want to see change and I am one of them. Lets hope tomorrow will put us on a better path for the next four years.
    Jack Large

    When I was in line to vote this morning in Pennsylvania, the guy behind me said; "I guess YOUR are for Obama"

    I said no I'm not. The guy in front of me, who was also black, said; "I'm going to do something I have never done. I'm a Coal Miner and I'm going to vote straight Republican.

    I hope that is an indicter of the way Pennsylvanians will vote. Our Senator up for re-election, Democrat Bob Casey from the coal town of SCRANTON, voted with Obama to CUT the use of coal to generate electricity in the US.

    It's hard to believe our representatives are even from earth, let alone our home state. Diane "Fiend"stein didn't even campaign this year. I didn't know she was up for re-election til I saw the ballot and voted against her, again.

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