    have the number of suicides increased in the last ten years

    0  Views: 945 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    If you have ever known someone who has done this It is heartbreaking! The people left behind always think they could have saved them! Suicide is very selfish! You only think of yourself! The survivors pay a huge price! Guilt!   The survivor always have guilt!This is not right! I know that may sound dumb but I've watched a survivor suffer since 1991! It's horrifying!

    Yes i have noticed this which I am sure many people have - why I was only talking of this to one of my true friends this very evening. Such a shame and yes it may sound selfish but an understanding of the depths of despair that person may be going through which is inclined to consume them and it is those left behind who feel so guilty as clu says - but when in this psychological state all logic escapes them - they probably have such low self esteem that they believe no one would really miss them. Problem is I feel society has broken down and have a theory that mobile phones texting and computers prevent body language which is 70% of communication and therefore humanity seems to get less and less people become more lonely in fact most people who go to see psychiatrist are lonely - just that. For some people life is such an effort they have to have the most enormous courage to go on. Not easy until you have and difficult to understand unless you have walked in their shoes. To digress there is a saying or quote "I used to worry about my shoes until I saw someone with no feet".  

    It really doesn't matter if they have or haven't to the people who have committed it . it only matters if your thinking of it while your alive you can sort anything out once your gone it's all irrelevant


    It definitely matters to the loved ones left behind... that matters a lot.

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