    Hurricane Sandy? How can we best help?

    Is the Red Cross the main charity to donate to?.. Cash obviously...but can we get other provisions out to them eg clothes..??food? How can we help best??:/

    0  Views: 430 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    I agree with what your saying and support it completely. Just wish elected officials in NJ and south jersey to be precise can get on the ball and get prepared and stop being so laid back about ones job and duties. I live in a city that showed an overwhelming amount of need to purchase and possess a generator. How sad is that? Had many storms this year and have had over a month to date without power. And them comes the increasing neglect to the cause of the past bunch of years have every rain making a neighbor town I work in flooded and so killing my car and has cost me too much money and work. I don't get politics and how people can get paid so much and some how always missing or neglecting an all too significant amount of problems and actions in regards to solutions since they are paid and have all the help and resources to in my opinion only have an insigificant amount of neglect but no excuse for a shore summer town with very high taxes and a problem that keeps getting worse instead of better year after year after year. So now I ask you, how can I help and get through to elected officials to know what they are doing and if there is anything I can do to help in that regard since I already very much in the much appreciated and helpful donations in regard to food and clothes. I've help out with rides to making things easier for people with little options and making little things like that but is there really a best way to help since then its a labeling game and starting with the least fortunate and I personally don't agree or find a need for labels for though will not judge just I seek not to be judged by anyone. The exception being God and thankfulness to jesus for dying for my sins since truly no one is or can be perfect except God himself. ok now, I guess i'll end with a comical Amen since I so didn't see my comment going in that direction but you can't go wrong or too wrong when you speak from the heart. Good luck with whatever you choose to do and know anything and everything is always much appreciated.

    Where to start Mikeyboy?:/...I'm not big on politics..yep no doubt many of them have a lot to answer to!:( People must be angry...I thought it was a pretty sick stunt Obama n Mitt...saying the campaign is on hold while they role up their sleeves to battle out who can seemingly appear to battle it out as to who can show who is the one most on top of it?:/..But plenty of time for recriminations later I suppose and now is the time to focus on the here and now! I know most of us who aren't hands on..feel helpless as we watch the images on the news and I can't tell you how much our hearts go out to you all.. And we ll be doing whatever we can to help in any ways we can! Good on you helping people with's not a little are out there helping!hats off to you! ... Just love and thoughts and prayers to you all xxMillie

    1 Answer

    I'm on the other side of the world, but the news looks devastating, my heart goes out to all effected but I have no idea about services in the US, how are you millie ? hope all is well xx


    Hell Lambie ... It's just shocking I know:/ ... Oh to be able to do something hands on to help!...All we can do here is check out the charities and donate and find out any o ways we can support people ! Thanks I'm ok... I'll be in hospital for the foreseeable future..but everyone's brilliant so I can't complain!;) Xx mills

    hugs and xx's

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