    What would be the most popular dog to have as a pet.

    +8  Views: 1322 Answers: 12 Posted: 11 years ago

    12 Answers

    Please consider adopting a pet from your local shelter. This can be a very rewarding experience.



    Thanks Country Bumkin, will do.

    C.B> I'm all for that. I got my dog there, but had to take him back, b/c my cats and he didn't get along :-(
    country bumpkin

    My dogs never messed with the family cat when she was alive, but they will chase after a stray cat.

    ...A good idea. Save a life! : )


    #1 in dog breeds and has been for a very long time.  The Labrador Retriever is a truly wonderful dog.  They come in three colours and a variety of those colours for flair.

    Hi Barra... 

    Welcome back.  

    My best dogs have been a Kerry Blue Terrier and a Flat Coated Retriever.  I am getting another Flat Coat... they are fantastic.


    the black lab is my fav breed too. I guess it's b/c my best friend, all throughout my childhood had one.It was very gentle and sweet.
    Deleted User

    Do you know Labs are the dogs that have the highest statistic of bites?
    Its because of the high number of them...

    wonderdyke ~ interesting statistic! I have a good friend who is a lab. I think he might be in love with me, He looks at me in a certain way. He insists we dance even when there’s no music.
    Deleted User

    Its only because they are so popular, I guess if there were more Boxers they would have high statistics...

    I have never met a nasty Lab. I have met a lot of nasty Yorkies though.
    Deleted User

    I have seen a few barky Labs, little dogs bite bloody things :))

    wheresastick? HUH? whereis? c'mon, giveitup!!

    Gotta love the dog!

    Oh man...would that I could I would get another Golden Lab Retriever!!!

    Just yook at 'em!!!


    country bumpkin

    The runt is my favorite.

    Always the best!! ;)

    I love them. I love them... I just love them.
    I will always love the Magpie.

    ...and I will always miss me ole boy 'Steely Dan Dog' omg...tearing up...he was like these only diffrence was someone tried to rub the black paint off'n his nose and so he had a pinky spackled black shnozzola..he knew it too!! Gods I do miss him always...nearly 17 years old when he passed over to that great gallivanting in the sky...le' boo oh le' hoo!!! :(

    Le' Boo hoo... :)

    .....can't wait to see him again...but I shall! ;) He was one of those "what a blast" dogs....ride on the sled....pull the dingy round-a-round all day til ya kick him out of the sea for exhaustion...and he goes...but sulking with those blinky eyes...omg I love the breed so well!! ;)

    I have noticed the 'Runt' is usually a quiet, obediant Dog, maybe no good for Showing, it makes up for it with love.

    Are these Golden Retriever pups? Their hair looks a bit fluffy for Yellow Labs.

    FLUFFY!! Now THERE is a great breed...the 2000 pound three-headed Pitbull from Harry Potter....right?? Awwwwww Fluffy....(I SAID DOWN BOY not DROWN ME!!) (slobberpuss!)


    I am not partial to three headed dogs... They are seriously difficult to train.

    But Fluffy responds well to music so 'lay down an' go sleep' would be about the gist of his vocabulary...that and 'sic....'em.' LOL

    No dog could ever replace Hector ,he was deaf,had two different couled eyes,and was the Best bulldog ever,


    They are all precious friends.
    lindilou noble and beautiful....;)

    I have had many dogs in my life but the best dog ever was a Dachsund cross of very doubtful parentage that I got from the RSPCA shelter in 1968. Faithful & protective.Whenever we played cricket in the park over the road "Ikey" was always the longstop.Any ball that got past the wicket keeper was fetched by Ikey.He loved the game.He lived for an (Estimated) 19 years.Sometimes I still miss him.Consider going to the shelter if you are looking for a dog Barra.Very rewarding.


    Thanks, Tommy , i will consider RSPCA.

    If you are thinking of having one as a pet why not do as country bumpkin suggests and get a little mut from the rescue shelter, they all need someone to love them.


    As i said to Tommy, Sunny, am considering having a look at the local dog's home.

    I bet it will be difficult to pick one, you will love them all.

    As for breeds, I think that the Labrador is still the most popular breed, and for good reason with their laid back demeanor, and good attitude, and athleticism. 

    Deleted User

    But they have the highest statistics when it comes to biting, higher than pitbulls, but in there defense its because there is so many of them ...

    The most popular big dogs are-----  labs, especailly black labs, golden retrievers, pit bulls

    Some of the most popular small dogs are still chiauaus,(sp) , wirey terriers----like Cairn terriers. Shit- zus,  the Jack Russell terrier is still out there, even tho' they have been known to bite; pugs, Yorkies are very popular. Schauzers are still out there. My bro had two of them for his kids......but not both at the same time.The kids loved the Schnauzers.


    Puppies are cute but remember dogs live up to 14 years, when selecting a dog it is best to choose one that fits into your lifestyle. You can rescue dogs from the pound, but be aware that some of these dogs have problems associated with abuse or neglect, so make sure you have the time to train and give the dog the affection and needs.

    This is what I own Weimaraners they are not for everyone, they often suffer from seperation anxiety, they love to be with their owners, every dog has there issues Boxers are very energetic they are forever young, with terriers you need good fencing as they are great escape artists. Pugs need constant vet care. Research what dog is best for you!!


    They are well cute,wonderdyke,
    Deleted User

    Cute and too smart for there own good :)
    A well trained wei can be an asset to any family, but it has to suit your lifestyle :)

    Most popular for who? or what kind of person?  Your better of detailing yourself and life and then asking for breed suggestions that you will like the best and others too if you have a plan like using the dog for picking up women which goes along with need to be more precise to get what you want.  And definitely use the internet to find local people and shelters looking for a home for the breed of your choice.  That's a win for endless reasons which no possible negative and if you see a negative, let me know since I would be happy to shoot it down.   Good luck with your search and I hope you find exactly what your looking for.   

    On a side note, if your more blue collar, then a Boxer is a popular choice.  Some would say Labrador Retriever is your more a family man.  Then if your more a white collar, who is single, I would say Yorkshire Terrier or Chihuahua are popular.  Also strangely popular for many types that I rather not get into.  And then if you want to go the popular bad boy direction, a Pit Bull would be a popular choice.  Now remember, this all means little due to the lack of detail with your question but I support anyone that ever asks for help or ideas.  

    Now i'm kinda curious about your job since I pick up much intelligence with your question but lack any idea of age or anything else.  I bet that sounded odd, but after being a pet store manager for far too long and selling extremely over priced dogs to people I always used nothing less then complete truth.  Anyway, I have much experience working with every dog breed that majority knows off and less of the unusual since not much sales on special orders since its just a matter of putting a dog that a person sees as cute into their arms and a playroom and the dog literally sells itself without even trying to gain its freedom from the cage.  And its so sad but the more aged cages that look like doggie prison and while keeping the cages as terrible as possible while still only replacing when forced sells way more then pretty new cages.  Tell me that isn't sad.  I think I've rambled on more then enough.  Good luck with everything.


    boxers are very hyper and they bark a lot. We had one. If you have a house full of boys, and/or rough girls, then get a boxer.They can dance with him and wrestle with him.
    Deleted User

    Boxers are forever puppies too much energy forthere own good, I had one his name was Louey, he loved the ball, he died at the age of 13 from a heart attack, boxers are prone to heart problems, and skin cancers, but there are pro's and con's with any breed ..

    Go to the dog pound, they have a large selection of dogs from large to small and in between. These are dogs that their master has died, moved to a place that doesn't allow animals, etc,,,,

    You can't go wrong with selecting one of these animals. They make loving pets, I have always gone to the pound or one of those save a pet places. You could call the humane society for advice on your selection.  Believe me, you will not be disappointed.


    I’ll take another Golden Retriever  like my old Annie. Gentle, Kind, Bright, Fun, Protective, Understanding of human emotions, good with kids, quick. My old Annie liked to walk around with a stuffed bear in her mouth. She looked really stupid at that time but she told me it was better than her getting a real duck.

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