    Why would Americans vote for Romney when he appears to be color blind. On his campaign trail,it is difficult to find non-whites. Recently some supporters threw peanuts at a black reporter covering the event, saying that this is how they feed the animals. I realize that this does'nt mean that all his supporters are that ignorant or intollerant. However, the public would like to know why Romney and the Republicans attract such people and would like to know what they are taught in their homes, thei

    +1  Views: 590 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    I want to know why Obama supporters call him a black man. Apparently they are blind to his white family. Please, we've had enough of the whole race issue with Obama's presidency. Let's not carry it through into a possible Romney presidency. There is ignorance on both sides. Neither Obama nor Romney are president material for a country that is by the people, for the people of the people, but they are what we are stuck with. I'm voting Ron Paul. 

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