    Who do you think should be the next president of the United States, Romney or Obama?

    +4  Views: 984 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    9 Answers

    I will not vote for Obama, I have had enough change and hope for my liking..

    Amazing  isn't  it,  all  the  commentators  put  the  two  candidates  neck  and  neck  but  on  this  forum  its  about  95%  for  Romney.  I wonder why.  Maybe  the  Republicans   should  come  and  have  a  look  at  akaQA  and  learn  a  thing  or  two.



    Never trust polls.

    Good luck with the elections, and may the best man win.


    Neither one is the best man. It all comes down to who can lie the best.

    Election time, its no different here.

    Neither one of them. The people should have backed Ron Paul. This is what we get for having followers in the USA, we are stuck with two very poor choices. Americans really need to educate themselves.


    I agree with Ron Paul,too, but he backed out of the race last year.

    He had no choice and he suspended his campaign this year, not last year. He didn't have the money to compete with the super rich and he wasn't getting the recognition in the media.

    I don't need to watch you tube. I watch enough CNN. Obama! For the first time in my life I can honestly say I am afraid for this country if Romney wins.


    'For the first time in my life I am proud to be an American'
    -Mchelle Obama 2008..

    You are really hooked on the left! A follower. You're another one that only gets their information from the leftist media, you are a 'conditioned voter' not an 'Informed one'If you would perhaps listen to other forms of information, you might become an independent thinker and decide with information not what you think is the cool thing to do. Your Obama has put people out of jobs, he has stressed the economic system, he had lied to the public consistently and is a very good lawyer that can convince millions of people that left is right and right is wrong. How could you even consider saying what you say about Romney when Obama has failed so badly?? I drive by Soyandra daily and I bet you don't even know what hat is, you'll google it. It's one of many hundreds of failures. The better way of replying to this great question is.. 'I am afraid for this great country if Obama gets four more years of destruction to America, its people and the constitution.." have a great night! From liberal california.

    Well, being as this is a world-wide website and quite a few of the members are not from the United States, we are ready to lighten things up.

    We've only had a hundred such threads in the past six months.

    Yeah but I would guess that our friends in other countries are watching this election as well. i can say in my lifetime this is definitely the most important election I have ever been part of. I grew up in a time when there wasn't a left or right, it was all good, we had bad times of course but our way of life was never contested and threatened as it has been the last 4 years and possibly the next four years. We now have a divided country, this is not what our forefathers imagined for the future of their hard work nor did the veterans of wars or the heros that gave their life consider that one day we would be turning our country into what it is heading to now. 'United we stand--divided we fall'

    I'm just explaining things to this new member, Vinny.

    Obama let the men in Libya die. They begged for help while under attack and Obama went to bed. He ordered no help for those men at the embassy. Obama is a murderer.
    Kaylene Reece

    First of all you have no idea who I am. I am a white woman, pro life, and yes R. Hell, I even voted for McCain last time. I am probably a more informed voter than you, and I do not get all my information from the news channels I watch. The latest has come from stump speeches, the conventions, and the last 4 debates. So do not tell me who I am. First of all our economy is a product of Bush. I know it you know it, every one does. Yes it has been a slow recovery, but it is a recovery none the less. When you come to the lying I think you are mixing up the canidates. That's what scares me about Romney. He will tell us how his budget works after he's elected.He would not personally invest in that idea. He has changed his mind more times than I can count, however if you need proof contact me and I will compile a list. The problem is no one knows what he would really do. He's been running for 6 years we should have some idea. Of course Obama has made some mistakes, he is human. How dare you tell me I need to become an independent thinker or imply I would cast my vote for what I think is "cool". Maybe you should look at both canidates from every side. You might learn something. You sound like you have a very small mind and no respect for others opinions. Unless they agree with you of course.

    I know you were sounding off to Vinny, but I have to say something to what you said.
    Obama lies. He lied about Libya, he lied about Osama (Osama Bin Laden died at least 11 years ago. I hope you do not believe Obama's lie that "he got him"). He lied about no new wars. He has put us in two new wars. Where is his transparent administration? We are still living under Bush's economy because there was no change when Obama took office. No budget from his administration, we continue to live under Bush's budget. It does not matter if you are white or black, a vote for Obama keeps America on a disastrous course. As for economic recovery....BS! There is none! If you have a job, hang on to it because if you lose it, then you will truly know where this economy is. I do not watch TV news either. I use the internet I pay for.

    Kaylene, first off, you bring race into it by saying you are white! Who cares what color you are?? I am far from racist but you remark implies that you are! Typical leftist.

    I wouldn't say you are anywhere as informed as I when you clearly stated in first post that you get your information from CNN-- another BS statement. next I see the typical liberal 'Blame Bush'-- Aren't you people getting tired of this 'blame it on bush'?? C'mon, we went from 5 trillion to 16 trillion in only four years!! Is this what you say is a good thing? and still blame bush?? We were at $1.86 per gal at the end of Bush presidency, we are now over $4.00 here in Ca closer to 5.00. Is this too Bush's fault?? We have investments in gree energy on the private sector, bankrupt, Thank you bush, you did start this but Obama took it to the extremes, meanwhile attacking the small businesses and killing at least 4 coal mining companies where thousands of coal workers are out of a job when yet we have no real answer to alternate fuel and clean energy-- Research is where the money should go, not into some private sector CEO that contributed to the Obama campaign. It's payback, your and my tax dollars. Obamacare?? against the will of the American people? What a power grab! This president we have now is trying his best to change America into a g'ment run people, not unlike Communism or totalitarianism.. We are not that people! We 'were' an America of free thinkers, you work you gain.. Why is it better to give the people a crust of bread when what we should be doing is getting jobs for these people and let them buy steak and potatoes! like yourself, I can go on and on why Obama is a threat to this country and what it stands for but I too know that speaking to the wall results in no real gains.

    BTW: I have looked at Romney's past from all sides, he does have this to explore- As in the last election, I still have nothing to see from Obama's past other than he was a case worker for the poor and underprivileged.. A senator that rarely attended senate meetings - I will say one thing though, he has a beautiful family and he's quite the talker as many dictators in the past have been. a very powerful speaker, fortunately, I and others like me see through this...
    Oh.. Almost forgot--Why is it that the rich who pay 86% of all income taxes - be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all. :) Ironic isn't it??

    And don't miss what Colleen had to say -- She too is point on..

    Kaylene, Obama's already done the damage, so you don't have to be afraid for this country. And no, I am not a republican,OR a democrat. I voted for Obama last time, and I voted for John Kerry ( that's not his real name. He has a jewish name) But, I'm not voting for Obama this time.

    Cats: I looked that up, his mother was American ,born in France, She was of the very wealthy Forbes family. father was Also American, His Birth name is John Kerry. There's no mention of John Kerry having any different name.
    Kerry is the child of Richard Kerry (1915–2000), a Foreign Service Officer and an attorney for the Bureau of United Nations Affairs, and Rosemary Forbes Kerry (1913–2002), a World War II nurse and member of the wealthy Forbes family. Rosemary was born in Paris, France, to American parents. Kerry has three siblings: two sisters, Diana (born in 1947) and Margerie (aka Peggy; born in 1941), and a brother, Cameron (born in 1950), Cameron Kerry was picked to be President Barack Obama's general counsel of the Commerce Department.[1] One of Kerry's maternal great-great-grandfathers was Robert Charles Winthrop, the 22nd Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.[2]

    Obama has created a political Earthquake that has shaken American politics out of all recognician.After the 60,s and by the mid 70,s the new left disintegrated.
    But most of its members held the same views. The new stragedy was called "the long march through the institutions". "Leftists" would hide theire view, get jobs in such key institutions as universities, schools, the media, foundations and other institutions then use these positions to change America the way they wanted to do so.
    The first element was the new Leftists who took powerful positions, especially dominating academia(and using it to indoctrinate people) and foundations(where money given often by conservatives were used to fund leftist causes. Bill Ayers is only one such person.
    The second element was cabable of nominating candidates for president-notable George MCGovern-but they always lost because they were viewed by the general public as too extreme.
    Thus the third element had to be a candidate cabable of embodying the Leftist/left liberal Alliance and also overriding the American people,s dominant moderate liberal-centrist-coservative world view.
    That was Barack Obama. His hidden past (kept so by the media and "experts"), lack of track record(in some aspects) and skin color distracted from the normal consideration of American politics.
    He thus defeated the more mainstream liberal Hillary Clinton and then defeated The lackluster Senator John McCain.
    And so the Leftist?left wing liberal alliance triumphed.
    This is not Liberalism in the pattern of Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and even Bill Clinton.
    It is the most left-wing government in US. history and is more interested in promoting its ideology than in doing a good job governing the country.
    Due to George Soros left-dominated-foundations, the left is well-heeled.
    By Prof, B.Rubin

    I personally prefer Romney, Who is much more tranparent. We know all about his history,where he was born, where he lived and the jobs he has held and how sucessful he was..
    Pres. Obama on the other hand , his past is not tranparent at all. No records of any of the colleges he attented. He never achieved or planned anything and the presidency was basicially handed to him.He just does not understand how to balance a budget or curb his spending. He can,t be reelected.


    It's amazing that so many people ignore the absence of his past, he has no ties to anyone, including classmates? past girlfriends?? Anyone want to come forward on this since the big word now is 'forward'?? Here's a guy that the 'only' past we can uncover is his associations with the anti-american Bill ayers and rev Wright, We can locate his camaraderie with the Black Panthers-- Where did the money come from that put him through Harvard? He talks of his poor upbringing, how did he get into harvard?? How did he get into the house?? Nobody voted for him, he was placed there.. By whom?? where did he come from?? Why isn't his past important but Romney's past is?? This Obama guy became known in the 2004 DNC, before that, nobody knew him, who put him on center stage at the DNC?? Who wrote his speech that captivated so many americans?? Who is this guy that we are about to put back in office running our lives??? WHO?? and why would these people vote for him?? They cry tears when he speaks.. This is scary! very scary how this one man can control so many.. Have we heard this before?? Maybe 1938, a crippled country, no jobs, bad economy, no medical care, a country in ruins after two wars and one man comes forth and he becomes god, people cried when he spoke, they kissed the ground where he walked-- Then he took the country to war and eventually demise.

    It is clear that Obama is not up the job as President of our country. He is a powerful speaker, just like A.H. in 1938 in Germany who,s extremism left the country in ruins. I voted for Hillary Clinton and the liberal press treated her horrible in order to elect Obama and I am stunned, that Bill Clinton now stumps for Obama after the way they treated
    It is all about ideology and not the problem our country faces.
    Obama has acccumulated over 5 trillion more in
    national dept, Oil, gasoline and food prices are the highest they have ever been and Unemployment is over the top.
    I dont understand how people can vote for another 4 years of such a bad track record.
    I agree, Obamas past is a big question mark.When he supposedly attented Columia University, no one seems to remember him ever beeing there. To attend Harvard for free, you have to be a foreign exchange student or someone paid for Obamas tuition in Harvard.
    There are too many unanswered questions about his past.
    Pretty scary that we elected a president with a questionable past.
    I hope and pray, he does not get a second term.

    George Soros.. The reason behind Hillary being treated so badly is money, follow the money trail.. Political control to the democrats is in George Soros hands. I truly believe this, he is molding the USA. Or attempting to..

    Barack Obama "FORWARD"! no doubt...


    Forward straight to h3ll, no doubt. We're 1/2 way there now under his "leadership".

    You can't go forward by going in reverse and heading to where you've been. Truly the Forward slogan is a misconception of direction.

    Vinny, Obama just got reeleected. Do you understand the madness of this happening? It seems that everyone that voted for Obama is not dealing with reality but only ideology.
    Right now I feel I am in the twilightzone.

    Ann, I'm moving to Canada for the next four years. I do not think America will survive this.

    Colleen, this is beyond my understanding.It seems that the whole country has gone mad.I would definately move out of this country if I could. Just to think of another 4 years of this incompitent President is making me shudder.

    Romney, BELIEVE IN AMERICA! Lol, but seriously


    This would be a great time to tell a polish joke!! LOL!!! j/k (i think)




    I really hope you are too young to vote.

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